The first half of 2015-2016 academic year was full of the methodical weeks of the departments of theory and practice of physical education, sport and tourism, teaching and educational center of physical training and Russian language and literature. During the methodical week of the department of theory and practice of physical education, sport and tourism 5 open lessons were held and doctor – valeologist of Kostanay region hospital, PhD (doctorate) in medicine Zharkova N.V. gave a lecture – conversation to students of 1-4 courses of specialty "Physical education and sport" and "Tourism". The theme of that lecture was "Proper nutrition as prevention of alimentary - dependent diseases" and this lection had shown information about healthy and good nutrition.

Christmas in Germany is celebrated on December 25-26. It is one of the most beloved holidays of Germans. The festive event has taken place on December 23rd. Students from the German groups 2, 3 and 4 of courses participated in it. Teachers of German Doshchanova B. M., Burmagina L. A. Ismagulova G. K., Rakhmetova A.A. were special guests of our evening.

22 December 2015, the 4th year students of natural - mathematical faculty was visited by a group of children of the Regional orphan asylum. The program includes entertaining games, songs, dances, and at the end of the presentation of gifts. Children expressed their recognition to the students for holding a good event.

For the training of young cadres, civil servants and contribution to culture, society Mendikara area Kostanai region December 21, 2015 on behalf of the district maslikhat and akim of district Mendikara V.Ionenko - doctor of historical sciences, professor of the department history of Kazakhstan Amanzhol Kuzembaiuly he was awarded a well-deserved medal and honorary title "Honorary citizen Mendіkara district".

The exhibition, dedicated the Day of independence Kazakhstan, has opened 15 December in hall Kostanai the regional. Local - History museum. On exhibition presented 14 work students THE КPGI : graph, painting, hand-made articles from voilok. The creative work student 3 and 4 the course and without seeing form the instruction preformed under guidance teacher faculties arts

On December 14, 2015 Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute held a solemn event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The rector of the Institute professor Baimyrzayev K.M.started the event with congratulatory speech. In a solemn ceremony, he awarded diplomas and medals of the faculty and staff of the Institute, and awarded diplomas and money to encourage student activists. During the event, a ceremony of awarding the winners of amateur, which was held on December 9, 2015, following which took place 1 Department of Kazakh and Russian philology, 2nd place - Faculty of Foreign Languages, 3rd place - Faculty of Psychology and Education. Next event continued with a festive concert.

On December 11, 2015 the Department of education of Kostanay had giventhe public hearing, which was attended by the heads of department of educational departments, educators, representatives of non-governmental organizations, the media, and members of socially significant projects.

On December 9, 2015 the Institute had organized a meeting between students and the clergy. The meeting was attended by the Imam of Maral Ishan mosque, Bakhytzhan, the father Andrew from Constantine-Helen Cathedral. The meeting was dedicated to the education of humanity as the basis of the value of spirituality, religious tolerance of students, prevention of manifestations of religious extremism and terrorism, the role of the religious factor in ensuring religious security policy.

During November, 16-26, the Institute held the competition of the posters and videos between faculties. Such competition had taken place within the holiday dedicated to the Day of the First President. On December, 9th, the results of the competition were declared and the faculty of History and Arts won the first place in the poster competition. The aims of the competition were the raise of the Kazakhstan patriotism on the example of the life of the First President of Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev. Congratulations to our students, wish you success in your further beginnings!

On 9 December 2015, on the basis of city library named after N.A. Ostrovsky was organized the event dedicated to the celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Тәуелсiздiк тарихы – ел тарихы» At this event as an invited guest was made by V.V. Danilova, senior lecturer of the Department of foreign languages of KSPI. The teacher read the poem in three languages – Kazakh, English and German – and congratulated the guests on the occasion of Independence Day.

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