From February 6 to February 17 in Almaty there had taken place the VI winter Universiade of RK among higher educational institutions, RK devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence. The team of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute had taken the honourable 4th place among 144 teams from 34 higher education institutions of RK.

We congratulate 2 year students of FFL Elemesov Damir and Yussupova Akmaral on a victory in the competition "Kyran zhigit-akku kyz", that was devoted to the Youth Day! The competition has taken place between faculties in the assembly hall on February 17, 2016. Couple has prepared the program which has opened creative talent of these two young people. In a competition on raising weights Elemesov Damir has shown the excellent physical shape; in an intellectual competition on knowledge of the Kazakh culture, Yussupova Akmaral has shown her brilliant knowledge.

On February 17 at 15.00 there was the competition between faculties "Kyran zhіgіt- Akku kyz" in the assembly hall of KSPI, dedicated to the Youth Day. The faculty of History and Art was represented by first-year student of specialty "Music education" Zhalgass Bekzat and first-year student of specialty «History" Abdykadyr Altynay, who took the third place. The aim was to show traditions and ceremonies of Kazakh people, show your intellectual potential, present talents, to show respect to elders. We congratulate our pair with the third place and wish further success, and academic excellence. Congratulations!!!

On February 17, 2016 in the assembly hall of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute there had taken place the interfaculty review devoted to a Youth Day of Republic of Kazakhstan "Kyran zhigit - Akku кyz". Couples from each faculty participated in review. In such competitions of review as intellectual, sports, acquaintance and the art, couples had shown the skill.

On February 9, 2016 among the students of the 2nd year specialty "History" of Russian branch there was the curatorial hour on the theme "Cleanness - the guarantee of health". On curatorial hour a medical worker of KSPI Kassymova M.J. is a guest, and on this event she gives details about the personal hygiene because now is flu outbreak, about influenza prevention, vaccination and what it is necessary for. It is also worth remembering that, not forgetting to wash their hands regularly, we protect ourselves from dangerous infections and save health for many years!

There was a meeting with the honored trainer of the Republic of Kazakhstan on boxing Olzhabayev K. at faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism, which has shared experience in trainer's work with students has taken place, I have told about the pupils and as they achieve good results. Olzhabayev K. handed the certificate of the Master of Sports of RK in boxing to the 1-st year student Smailov D. Dean's office joins congratulations and wishes success in sport.

On February 16, 2016 on the chair of preschool, primary and special education the concluding conference on teaching practicum of 3 cours students of the specialty 5B010500 "Defectology" which duration made 4 weeks was held. According to the program of teaching practicum the objects were set for students: acquisition by students of experience of practical pedagogical activities of the teacher-speech pathologist, formation of professional direction of professional identity. During the practice students, under the leadership of educationists Kazakova Olga Viktorovna, Sakaulova Aina Sergeyevna, Zhilova Yulia Pavlovna, prepared and independently conducted the trial and open lessons of the following subjects - mathematics, Russian, Understanding the World.

On February 16, 2016 the assembly hall of KGPI was full of the audience, laughter, an applause. This day was the day of semi-final of the Russian league of KVN and once again the team of FFL has been recognized as the best! The understanding of each other from a half-word, desire of a victory, an ability to make the scenario and at the same time to show a new highlight in the performance - all this became very important for FFL team. Students Elemesov Damir and Baymukhanbetova Assel became the best actors.

On February 12, 2016 students of institute had taken part at a meeting in the Kostanay regional local history museum with the head of the Kostanay regional branch of "National Paralympic committee" D. Ospanov. At a meeting there were participants of the Paralympic Games - the Master of Sports of RK, the champion of the republic in firing from an air gun Svetlana Kim, and also the prize-winner of the RK Championships, the participant of the international competitions in table tennis Rustam Valitov.

February 12, 2016 on the basis of Kostanay state pedagogical institute, department of pedagogy of psychological-pedagogical faculty in conjunction with the branch NC "Center of pedagogical skills" of Kostanay, had organized and held the Republican scientific-practical conference "Integration of pedagogical higher educational institution and educational organizations for introduction an innovation in practice".

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