On March 12, 2016 Kostanay state pedagogical institute opened the regional debate tournament for the Cup of Rector of KSPI, dedicated to the program "100 concrete steps to the top thirty developed countries." The tournament was attended by 52 teams in the Kazakh league and 14 teams in the Russian league. The tournament was held at American and British styles of debates. During the event, relevant topics, dedicated political and social activity of youth activities, had been disclosed. Students actively participated in the debate and showed a high level of training.

On March 11, 2016 students' information and propaganda group "Erkіn pіkіr" made a speech to the students of Kostanay Polytechnic College. The performance of our students was dedicated to the topic "Mangilik El", revealing the main aspects of the national patriotic idea, on which the young generation will have to build a new Kazakhstan. The second theme was the problem of prevention of religious extremism and terrorism.

11 March 2016 the faculty of foreign languages met the doctor of chemical Sciences, Professor, Vice-rector on educational work KazNTU Iskakov M. with official. Having heard about the high level of language preparation of students of the faculty, he arranged the meeting with graduates to invite them to participate in the competition for teachers. Speaking English with honors students, participants of the program of academic mobility abroad, the rector praised their knowledge and wished to see them at their University as teachers, wished good luck in the contest and the simultaneous admission to the master's degree.

According to the plan of educational work, 2nd year students of specialties «Preschool training and education» and «Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education» we visited the exhibition and conversation devoted to the 150th anniversary of A.Bokeyhanova in the Regional Children and Youth Library named Altynsarin. During the event, the aim of which is to promote the creative heritage of the leader and organizer of the party «Alash» Alikhan Bokeikhanov, librarian Yu.B. Shevchenko were disclosed the issues related to the life, socio-political and scientific activities of Alikhan Bokeikhanov.

On March 6, 2016 within the week of department of pedagogy there had passed the round table on the subject "Scientific maintenance of professional development of a teacher". The participants were: Nabatnikova Tatyana Ivanovna - a chief on methodical work of RNPTs "Kostanay Daryny", Ilsova Gulbarshyn Aypbergenovna - the deputy director of pilot school No. 10 with Kazakhlanguage training, a certified teacher of 2 levels of Kostanay, Bekentayeva Ayman Kozhakovna - a head of the planning department of the planning of educational process and innovative development, Ishchanova Raisa Sadykpayevna - a specialist of the planning department of the planning of educational process and innovative development, lecturers and students of 1 course of psychology and pedagogical faculty of KSPI.

Lecturers of department of psychology with students-psychologists had carried out psychological training of gifted school students of Kostanay region for participation in the international competitive Olympic Games. Future winners of the international competitive Olympic Games of England, Germany, India, etc. countries had participated in training of development of motivation of achievement, resistance to stress, uneasiness removal, etc. Result of the training – confidence in the forces, a spirit on a victory and good mood!

On the eve of the international Women's Day on March 8, students of psychology and pedagogical faculty, Aytbayeva Aida, the 1st course, specialty "Defectology", Almat Zhansaya, the 1st course, specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology", and also the student of the 3rd course of specialty "Pedagogy and methods of primary education" Iskakova Dariya had participated in the Internet competition "Long braid" on the longest braid, organized by Committee on affairs of youth of Kostanay state pedagogical institute. The competition took place in three stages

On March 4, 2016 in the assembly hall of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute a solemn event dedicated to the International Women's Day was taken place. Professor Baymyrzaev K.M., the rector of the institute, made the congratulatory speech and presented diplomas and monetary rewards to lecturers and staff of the Institute. The ceremony continued with concert performances of students of our institute.

Within interaction of higher education institution and school on March 3, 2016 a senior lecturer of department of pedagogy of KSPI Shalgimbekova A.B. and PhD (doctorate) in pedagogy, associate professor Likhodedova L.N. together with Regional scientifically –practical center "Kostanay Daryny" had been carried out the learning – methodical seminar concerning the organization of educational work at school, studying normative documents "Conceptual bases of education", "The instructive letter for class teachers", "The methodical letter on studying of work of the head of state "Mangilik El"", and also the questions concerning to introduction of inclusive education in Republic of Kazakhstan. Deputy directors of educational work, class teachers, psychologists, social teachers, speech pathologists, logopedists, and teachers of comprehensive schools of Karasu district of Kostanay region became participants of a seminar.

March 3, 2016 was held a seminar teacher target AIDS regional center Zhalbirova A.T. students 2 and 3 courses of specialties «Preschool training and education» and «Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education» on the topic «Prevention of HIV and AIDS among the student community» within the ten-day. Teacher Zhalbirova A.T. acquainted with the basic concepts of HIV and AIDS, as well as ways to prevent HIV infection among young people. At the end, psychological training for preventive purposes were carried out. In the event of audio-visual media (videos, presentation material) were used, booklets, posters, in which all of the material has been set out simply and affordably.

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