On April 8, 2016 "Aitys", dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the famous masters of Kazakh folk poetry, zhyrau, zhyrshy Zhambyl Zhabayev was organized and held in the auditorium of Kostanay state pedagogical institute. The competition was attended by young akyns, including Kostanay state university named after A.Baitursynov, Kostanay pedagogical college, our Institute and others who are well-known in the field of aitys. The jury consisted of such well-known in the country and the area people like the famous akyn - Berkenova Assiya, Member of the Union writers of Kazakhstan - Ospanov Serikbai, well-known researcher of Y.Altynsarin's legacy - Kuanyshpay Ormanov, Member of the Union of writers of Kazakhstan Akylbek Shayahmetov.

According to the plan of carrying out the week of department of pedagogy on April 8, 2016 a lecturer, a master of Russian language and literature Baymenova K.S. had given open seminar classes in discipline: "Ethnopedagogy" for students of the 2nd course of the specialty "History". The teacher has set the occupation object: acquaintance of students with history, folklore, features of life of the people of different nationalities, education of the tolerant attitude towards representatives of different nationalities, formation of national consciousness within civil and patriotic education.

On April 7, 2016 curator hour on a subject "A. Baytursynov's activity and life" among students of the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology" between the 1st and 3rd courses of the Kazakh branch had been spent. Students had watched a movie about A. Baytursynov's activity and life, after this material discussion had taken place.

On April 7, 2016 at Kostanay state pedagogical institute the department of pedagogy together with pedagogical group "Age-mate" had carried out the intellectual game. Purpose of this action: development of professional pedagogical motivation of a student – a future teacher and formation at students "I - concept" as means of professional formation.

Today, April 5, 2016, the Department of foreign languages received a package from the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan. In the presence of teachers and students the parcel was opened. Books, magazines, CDs and maps have become an indispensable addition to our Foundation training materials. Most of the literature will be awarded as a prize to the participants of the regional conference of teachers of English and students who participated in student scientific-practical conference.

On April 5, 2016 at Kostanay state pedagogical institute on the basis of department of pedagogy the traditional student's conference "Pedagogical science by eyes of the youth" had taken place. The purpose of conference was representation of results of educational and research activity of students.

On April 5, 2016 in Kostanay state pedagogical institute the seminar among students of 2 courses, where the agency employee of the Department for civil service affairs and anti-corruption Akhmetzhanov D.B participated as a guest, was taken place. He spoke about the conceptual basics of education, public service, of carrying out anti-corruption work in Kostanay region and directly to students, a presentation of the curriculum "Principles of anti-corruption culture."

On April 5, 2016 on the basis of Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute, was held a conference in the form of a round table within the intellectual platform G-Global, organized by psycho-pedagogical faculty. The conference theme is closely linked with the international experience of integration of education "Integration of Education of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization." Currently, globalization has had a growing influence on the educational policies of the world. Conference participants considered the trend of globalization, which is manifested in the educational space of Kazakhstan, discussed interstate cooperation in this field.

According to the plan of carrying out the week of department of pedagogy on April 4, 2016, a senior teacher, a master of pedagogical sciences Ivanova Elena Nikolaevna had given the open lecture classes by discipline: "Theory and methods of educational work" for students of the 3rd course of specialties: mathematics, physics, informatics. The lecturer had given the SMART aim to this class, focused students on the work on stages: call, judgment, reflection.

On 4 April 2016. the exhibition of scientific works of lecturers of the department of pedagogy was taken place in computer-methodical office №211,. The purpose of the exhibition was to help students in the process of self-education, the formation of interest in the study of pedagogical science. The exhibition included publications which were produced in recent years.

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