September 22, 2016 in the house of the students met the students of psycho-pedagogical faculty of living in a dormitory with the Dean of the Faculty Aydnalieva NA. Deputy Dean of the Faculty Alipbaeva GA was also in this meeting. During the meeting, students were explained the rules of living in a dormitory, their rights and duties. Also selected were responsible for students 3 and 5 floors.

On September 16, 2016 Kostanay state pedagogical institute had the event dedicated to "Health Day" and conducted sports activities among students and lecturers of the institute. There were nine types of sports: volleyball, mini football, asyk atu, relay race, weight-lifting, darts, tug of war, arm wrestling, long jump.

From September 2 to September 7, 2016 1 Hosts courses of psycho-pedagogical faculty (Zhilova YP, Bogdanova TV, Nurova AK, Shalgimbekova AB, Grigorova YB, Sultanbekova Zh.H .) held in their groups first curator hours in which students completed the survey student KGPI, social, student cards, read a code honor student, elected elders groups, with the plan of curator hours in groups and were able to get acquainted with the credit technology system and the internal Institute regulations.

On September 6, 2016 in a driving school "Driver ABC" there was a seminar "Timely provision of medical assistance to persons involved in an accident," together with students of Kostanay state pedagogical institute and Centre for problems of healthy lifestyles of Kostanay region.

In September 2, 2016, there were the first classes held by the first-year groups' curators of the History and Art Faculty (Z.Antaev, N.Elkey, D.Kaliev, S.Esmagambetova, N.Amirkhamzin). During the classes the newcomers filled in the KSPI student form, read out the Student's Code of Honor, elected the monitor of the groups, as well as had a possibility to get acquainted with the Credit system and the internal regulations of the Institute.

On September 1, 2016, there was a traditional meeting with first-year students held by the Dean, the professors and the teachers of History and Arts Faculty. The dean of the faculty a candidate of science, an associate professor G. Balgabayeva, and heads of departments CS E.Nauryzbayeva, SC E.Yarochkina, CS M.Sapiyeva made a speech at a meeting. The deputy dean master of history E.Nurpeisova. T. read out the order of students' enrollment. In the end, the students followed the curators who were presented during the meeting.

On September 1, 2016 the Day of Knowledge was held an event in Kostanay state pedagogical institute. The event was accompanied by the colorful performances of the senior students, as well as holiday greetings of the Acting Rector, doctor of historical sciences Abil E.A.

September 1, 2016 in the audience of A-201 Dean of psycho-pedagogical faculty held a traditional meeting with the students of 1st year. At the meeting, Dean of Faculty PhD Aydnalieva NA, as well as heads of departments PhD Smagliy TI, Ph.D. Utegenova BM, Ph.D. Lee ED spoke to the freshmens. Dean of psycho-pedagogical faculty Aydnalieva NA read out the order of admission of students to the faculty. Deputy Dean, Master of Biology Alipbaeva GA freshmen acquainted with the schedule of events dedicated to acquaintance with the Institute and Faculty.

On July, 4-5th, 2016 based on Polytechnical University of Valencia (Spain) the scheduled meeting of participants of the international project "Accessibility and Harmonization of Higher Education in Central Asia Through Curriculum Modernization and Development/ACADEMICA/" registered in the European Commission as 561553-EPP-1-2015-1-BG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP was organized.

On June, 16-18th, 2016 the 13th international KazTEA conference called "Association of Teachers of English of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Association of English teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan) - 'Creating the Future with EFL has taken place: Celebrating 25 Years of Kazakhstan's Independence by Looking Forward' in Ust-Kamenogorsk based on the East Kazakhstan State Technical University after D. Serikbayev was held. The work was carried out on 8 sections, speakers talked on a subject of application of modern training methods of teaching English.

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