The interview between the senior librarian of the department of servicing Sevostyanova E.A. and senior teacher of foreign languages department of Kostanay state pedagogical institute, candidate of pedagogical sciences, master of pedagogy and psychology Danilova V.V. on October, 28th , 2016 based on the library after N. Ostrovsky took place. The aim of the interview is discussion of priorities of development a trilinguilism in the Republic of Kazakhstan by means of close cooperation of KSPI and the staff of library.

On October 27  the event dedicated to the International Family Day among married students of the institute under the auspices of "Mereylі Otbasy" was held in Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute. The competition was attended by two couples of the institute: Zhaksylykova Gulnur - the 4th year student of the Faculty of History and Arts of the specialty "Music education" and Olzhabaev Erkebulan, Kuzina Mariya - the 1st year student of psycho-pedagogical faculty, specialty "Defectology" and her husband - Kuzin Dmitry Petrovich.

On October 26, 2016 teachers of Learning and educational center of language training D. Lovtsova, V. Plokhotenko, Sh. Serzhan-Abdrakhmanova carried out the literary soiree devoted to the 175 anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh teacher-innovator Y. Altynsarin. The 3d course students of Kazakh and Russian philology faculty, "Kazakh Language and Literature" specialty, and the freshmen of the faculty of foreign languages took active part in this event.

On October 26 members of the regional advocacy group of the Office for Religious Affairs and civil society Kalasheev V.I. and Abilmalikov K.K. made their presentation for the 1 st year students of KSPI. Vladimir Kalasheev devoted his speech to the characterization of a number of non-traditional religious movements destructive orientation. Abilmalikov K. explained about the recruitment methods and the psychological impact, that use adepts of destructive trends using the Internet. In addition, as part of advocacy for the prevention of religious extremism 2nd year student KSPI A.

October 23 students of 1 course of the specialty DOiV with the curator Bogdanova T.V. visited the Russian Regional Drama Theatre. Views premiere of the comedy "Twelfth Night, or What You Will" by William Shakespeare. Very instructive and beautiful statement by Russian director Yakov Rubin.

October 21, 2016, students of 1 course of a specialty DOiV, PiMNO, of 3 course of a specialty DOiV under the guidance of curator Bogdanova T.V. visited the Kostanay regional memorial museum named Y.Altynsarin. Students showed more than 11 thousand exhibits the museum expositions registered Ybray Altynsarin. The guide and the director of the museum Nurzhanova A.Zh. fascinatingly told about each room. The main exhibit in the museum was the "Golden Man", which completes the journey through the country. Kostanay became the 13th in a row the city, which hosted the exhibition free the world-famous exhibits. It was an interesting and memorable event that caused great interest.

On October 21, 2016 KVN for the rector's cup was taken place in the assembly hall of Kostanay state pedagogical institute. The new season began with the festival and 1/8 of the final game. There were 8 teams from higher and secondary special educational institutions of our region. Each team showed its skills in the competition "Acquaintance" on the theme "Bet up, eagle of freedom ". The game was held at a high level.

On October 21 at the Kostanay state pedagogical institute, there were the ceremonial opening and the presentation of APK department, devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Within the presentation the opening ceremony of department and a round table discussion «Scientific-educational and upbringing role of APK department in social and political processes of the country», Samarkin Sergey Vladimirovich, the dean of the faculty of Additional education, the candidate of historical sciences, appeared as a moderator of the presentation.

On October 19 and 20, 2016, the head of the SEC KSPI "Mangilik El" Shaimerden G.I. participated in the international scientific and practical conference in Omsk - "Kazakhs of Eurasia and their contribution to strengthening inter-ethnic harmony ". In his speech G. Shaimerden spoke about the specifics of Kazakhstani model of interethnic and inter-confessional tolerance and harmony. In addition, he highlighted the coverage of the current reforms that are currently being implemented in Kazakhstan and which are aimed at strengthening the interethnic harmony. In particular, the lively interest of Omsk colleagues was caused by the reform of the multilingual education, the course of which was proclaimed by the President of Republic of Kazakhstan. The general sponsor of the event was JSC Samruk-Kazyna.

On October 14, 2016 in the conference hall of KSPI a regional meeting was held of leaders and members of the information and explanatory groups of universities, colleges, cities and districts of Kostanay region. Nugurbekov N.K, the head of the Department for religious and civil society affairs of Kostanay region, made a report on the results of the work of the IPG for 2016 and tasks for the upcoming 2017, which in his speech expressed special gratitude for the work done by the IRG KSPI - the Center for Religious Studies

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