On March 28, 2016 the Regional scientific and practical center "Kostanay Daryny", SI "Department of education of akimat of the city of Kostanay", SI "Physical and mathematical lyceum of department of education of akimat of the city of Kostanay" had held the V open regional scientific and practical conference "Improvement of quality of education - the most important condition of formation and development of functional literacy of school students".

On March 25, 2016 the department of preschool, primary and special education had made the social and pedagogical readings devoted to the famous teachers Y. Altynsarin and A. Makarenko. Teachers and students of KSPI (Kostanay), RSSU (Moscow), ChSPU (Chelyabinsk) had participated in the conference. As moderators there were L.V. Mardakhayev, PhD in pedagogy, professor, the chairman of the department of social pedagogy; A.M. Egorychev, PhD in philology, professor of department of social pedagogy (RSSU); N. A. Sokolova, PhD in pedagogy, professor, the chairman of the department of social work, pedagogy and psychology; R. S. Dimukhamedov, PhD in pedagogy, professor of department of social work, pedagogy and psychology (ChSPU); E.D. Li, PhD (doctorate) in pedagogy, the chairman of the department of PsESE; A.F. Dayker, PhD (doctorate) in pedagogy, professor of department of PsESE (KSPI).

On March 25, 2016 at department of Preschool, primary and special education there had taken place the student's scientific and practical conference devoted to Y. Altynsarin's 175 anniversary "A step to the future: pedagogical science by eyes of students". Students had submitted reports on the hot topics of pedagogical science studied in diploma and course papers and also at practical training.

24 March 2016, the senior teacher of the educational center of language training Lozovoi D. P. held intellectual quiz "Nauryz – bright holiday" with students of 3rd course of the specialty "Mathematics", "Informatics" natural-mathematical faculty. Intellectual quiz objective: to study the history of the Nauryz holiday, the traditions and customs of its celebration, and to increase professionally-oriented vocabulary.

Within the program "Mercy Caravan", students of the first courses of psychology and pedagogical faculty on March 18, 2016, on the eve of the holiday Nauryz, had visited the children's rehabilitation center for children with limited opportunities at children's city policlinic No. 2.

On March 18, 2016 a presentation of the Guidebook to rare editions "The past Earth' fate" took place on the basis of Kostanay regional universal scientific library named after L. Tolstoy. It provides a unique literature on the history of the region, which is located in a rare library fund. Introduction to this guide was written by Samarkin Sergei Vladimirovich, PhD (doctorate) in history. The presentation was attended by students of 1, 2 courses of the faculty of history and artsof specialties "Basics of law and economics", "History", and lecturers of the department of World History and social disciplines - PhD (doctorate) in history, associate professorDukhinYakovKuzmich; Head of department, PhD (doctorate) in history, associate professor YarochkinaElizaveta Viktorovna.

On March 16, 2016 the department on social and educational work and the information and library center had held the intellectual game "Salt-dastur — Asyl kazyna" devoted to celebration Nauryz Meiramy among students of institute. History of Kazakhstan, customs and traditions of the people of Kazakhstan, modern Kazakhstan had been become the scope of spring game. Game promoted the expansion of an outlook of students, development of logical thinking and skill to communicate. The team of psychology and pedagogical faculty "Eureka" had adequately acted and had been awarded by the letter of thanks.

On March 16, members of scientific and educational center "Mangilik El" Shaimerden G.I. and Abenov D.E. gave a lecture devoted to the idea of a nationwide patriotic idea "Mangilik El" which was addressed to the employees of the akimat and the police department of Auliekol District. In their speeches, they pointed out that the rector Baymyrzaev K.M. opened a scientific and educational center - "Mangilik El", and the aim was the patriotic education of students.

On March 16, 2016 in Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute on the faculty of history and arts Ragatova Moldir Olzhabaevna, senior lecturer of department of "World history and Social Sciences", held an event devoted to Nauryz on the theme "Nauryz meiramnyn toylanu erekshelіkterі: Kazakhstan zhane baska da turkіtіldes memleketter" involving the 1st and 3rd year students of specialty "Basics of law and economics". Students read the reports about the features of the celebration of Nauryz in different countries. The national game "Sakina salmak" was held in the end of the event.

On March 15 the Director of the Language Centre of the University Via Domitia (France) Vensant Glaaz came to our institute with business visit. He extended the existed and acted contract with KSPI for the past five years. Joint efforts of universities to develop programs of academic mobility and professional development of teachers were also discussed.
Vensant Glaaz also met with students studying French.

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