On November 19, 2015 Doshchanova Bakhyt of Mugalovna conducted the practical lesson in group 32 "The second foreign language of B1" on a subject "Environmental protection have been given. Bakhyt Mugalovna uses the innovative Microteaching technology, during this technology each student has to propose the solution of this or that problem.

November 19, 2015 at the psychological and educational faculty held a competition of social videos and presentations on the theme "Patriotism". The competition was attended by students of 1-4 courses of the specialties "pre-school education and upbringing" and "Defectology".

Open communication platform G-global is important for students as a fashion tool of the pedagogical Institute, as a means of forming categorical apparatus of scientific youth as a way of counteracting the negative destructive effects of extremism. The FFL team is actively involved in creating a positive balance of scientific thought on the G-global. The leaders of this activity from the FFL Miroshnichenko R.S. and Plohotenko V.N. to promote the International project G-global and Social movement for energy of the future "G-global - EXPO - 2017" held a register of teachers and students at the communication platform, organized room articles and commenting.

The activities of the curator group of students of the pedagogical Institute is multifaceted: it involve pedagogical skills and scientific approach, creativity and care, individual approach and involvement of all children. Practical advice for supervisors in organizing and conducting Supervisory hours can be obtained in the manual "Spiritually-moral education of the individual student", composed by teachers of FFL and issued, under the leadership of the Department on educational work. In edition attended Doroshok E.L., Kudritskaya M.I., Burmagina L.A., Rakhmetova A.A., Danilova V.V., Podavets O.D., Kozhukhova T.G., Balzhanova A.M., Ungutbaeva G.Sh.

On November, 18, 2015, Department of World History and social disciplines within the work of the group held the meeting with colonel in retire of Agency of Committee of National Security Karataev A.V., who told about his career, about public intention, participation in writing book about local studies. Karataev A.V. gare students his book with his signature and special sign.

On November 18 there was held an international webinar on "Strategies for the TOEFL" student participation 43 ER group of the faculty of foreign languages and Samara Dhabi, the representative of the company "Infosys", Chandigarh, India. Samar Dhabi shared their own experience about the basic strategies for the TOEFL, talked about the difficulties, proposed solutions.

The Week of HLS at the Preschool, primary and special education departmentʼs teachers Bogdanova T.V. and Bekmurzina Zh.M. were organized meetings with experts from HLS and AIDS centers. November 17, 2015 was carried out preventive conversation specialist psychologist MSPE «Kostanay regional center for the prevention and formation of healthy lifestyle» Kurmanova A.E. with the students of the first and third courses specialties DOiV, PiMNO on «Prevention of smoking, alcohol and drug abuse among students» within the ten-day. During the event psychologist foster in the student audience of social competence, life skills, stress overcomes the behavior, values, focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

November 12-17, 2015 at the Faculty of History and Arts hosted a traditional football championship among 1-4 grade students and teachers. The championship was dedicated to the memorable date in the history of Kazakhstan, the 180 anniversary of the great Kazakh scholar, ethnographer, traveler Sh.Ch.Valihanova. The tournament was attended by teams from seven different courses, "Kaskyrlar" - 4th year, "Liverpool" - 4th year, "Green Parrot" - 2nd year, "New Castle" - 2 course, "Happy hedgehogs" - 1 course. Separately, a team of teachers were also IFE "Red October" - Elkey NN, potassium, DD, DE Abenov, Abilmalikov KK .; and a team from the university administration "Red bast" - Utegenov T. Baikenov E., Ungarov A. et al. The championship was held in two rounds, the first round consisted of Group A and Group B. The four teams advanced to the semifinals - "Liverpool" "New Castle", "Kaskyrlar", "Green Parrot".

On November 17, 2015,the KVN festival was held among the faculties of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. There are bilingual KVN teams on each faculty since 2015-2016 academic year. At the festival, the team appeared from 1/8 final stage. Before the semi-finals all the teams will score points, and at the end of the season, four teams will come from the faculties in the final.

Where else can you come in valenoks, on one foot, Shoe on the other, because the weather forecast "Snow, rain, slush", and get an approving laugh? Of course, at the performance of the KVN. Russian League of KVN of faculty of foreign languages the audience were able to convince that life in the Institute is not only serious, but sometimes gives rise to jokes.

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