On November 25, 2015 the Institute held a meeting with the Imam of Kostanay mosque with students of the Institute, with the aimfor increasing legal literacy, prevention of religious extremism among young people and raising of interfaith harmony among the youth. Meetings of this kind are carried out by order of state authorities, not only in Kostanay, but also in the districts of our region, because, unfortunately, there is currently a low level of information of young people about non-traditional religious movements and consequently younger generation's involvement in the series of destructive and extremist organizations It is one of the central problems which requiring urgent solutions.

On November 24, 2015 in a conference room of KSPI it was held the meeting of the students who study at Kostanay region within the state program "Serpin – 2050" with the vice-Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Balykbayev T.O.

On November 24, 2015, Kusskadamova Kuanysh Suleymenovna, the senior teacher of the Educational center of language training held a methodical seminar "Methods of teaching professionally-oriented foreign language". During the seminar Kusskadamova K.S. presented a textbook of Professor M. Steinmetz "German for engineers".

In 2014, on the initiative of the students of the faculty of foreign languages, was opened by the Football League KSPI. The main objectives of the League are campaigning students and youth to lead healthy lifestyles and instilling the desire in students to play sports

On November, 19-21, the 7th All-Russian Congress of political scientists was taken place in Moscow, where were political scientists from 30 different countries. The Advisor to the Rector G. Shaimerden participated in the Kazakh delegation at the forum. The theme of the forum was the problem of "Political science in the front of the challenges of modern politics." The Congress was held in the building of MSIIR, and workedin good and quick form for three days.

November 21, 2015 under the guidance of the teacher of chair "Psychology" by B. H. Chairboy and students 2 and 3 courses of specialty "Education and psychology", "Psychology" in the Center of adaptation of minors of Kostanay region held an event on the theme "Friendship and Kindness".

On November, 20, 2015 a lecturer of the Department of World History and social disciplines of the faculty of History and Arts Zhumabaeva Zh. N. held the open (prepared) lesson on the theme: "India in 1945-2000", with students of 4th year of study, specialty "History", Kazakh branch.

On November 20, 2015 the students of 35 and 36ER groups with Danilova V.V., senior lecturer of foreign languages Department of the faculty of foreign languages KSPI visited the regional Russian drama theatre. According to the repertoire plan, attended the play "Balzaminov's Marriage" (act 2).

On November 20 in Astana at the initiative of the Committee for Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Sports the republican scientific-practical conference "Actual issues of prevention of extremism in the youth environment" had taken place.
As part of Kostanay delegation to the conference there werea student of KSPI A. Bychihina and cadets of KA MIA RK named after S. KabylbaevE. Bocharova, who had shown their presentations.

On November 20, 2015 the meeting of the 4 course students with representatives of the government of the Kostanay region concerning employment and work in public service has been held. According to the contract, the students trained on the state educational grant are obliged to work in educational institutions not less than 3 years. Students have been interested in discussion of the matter, in particular the students wishing to work at public service.

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