Each year the Department of foreign languages with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan received training materials for learning English. In this academic year, the bookshelves joined the training log Forum, in-game content for CD-ROMs which teachers actively used in English classes.)

On November, 13 at 15.00 p.m., for effective realization of main aims of Plan of Nations - 100 concrete steps "The modern State for all people" the department of socially-humanitarian and natural-science disciplines of Kostanay branchof FSFEI HPE "CSU" conducted the special week of the department. While this weekthe game "Brain-ring"was conducted on the theme "My Motherland - Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 550year anniversary of the Kazakh khanate. By this theme, students of the 4th study year of faculty of History and Arts were invited, and won the game and took the first place. Our congratulations!

On 13 November 2015 in the auditorium 320 was discussed message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "Nurly Zhol" with the students of faculty of foreign languages 1st course, Russian branch. The event began with a presentation by Dean of faculty of foreign languages PhD, Professor Doroshok E.L. on a new economic course, its main directions.

Within a week of HLS November 12, 2015 at psychological-educational faculty of the pedagogical Institute senior faculty members of the Department of psychology Moldakhmetova G. M. and Akhmetbekova Z. D. were organized and held a meeting of students of the specialty "Education and psychology" and "Psychology" with psychologist of Kostanay regional psychiatric hospital Karabaeva M.

In the implementation of events dedicated to the independence Day of Kazakhstan, actively involved teachers and students. 12 November 2015 on TV program "Sukhbat" was made by PhD, associate Professor Nurmukhametova K.T. She talked about the FFL on the development of the state language

On 11 November 2015 the Dean's office of FFL organized the event for students of 1 course of the Kazakh branch, dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where the Dean of the faculty of Doroshok E.L. announced the essay, poetry, presentations, posters, videos, Patriotic songs on the theme of "My Kazakhstan"

November 11, 2015 students 1 st courses of the specialty "Education and methodology of primary education", "Preschool training and education" actively participated in the intellectual game dedicated to the celebration of the 550th century of the Kazakh khanate and the independence day of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Zhayna Menin Kazakhstanym!". The team received certificate for active participation.

On November, 10-11, 2015 there were 3 meetings between students of the first year study of Kazakh branch with Amirkhan R.I., the head of the Center of studying of religious problems within the Department of religion affairs of akimat of Kostanay region. These discussions were held in good conditions, during which Amirkhan R. told about negative nature of different nontraditional currents of the Muslim persuasion. Themes of meetings had aroused the sincere interest of students; they had asked the guest a lot of questions and got full answers.

On November 11, 2015 in information library center of KSPI was held intellectual game dedicated to the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate and the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Menin Kazakhstanym zhaina".

On November 11, 2015 the staff of USVR organized a lecture of the head of Department of the center for the study of religious problems in the management of religious Affairs by Amirkhan R. I. for 1st year students. The lecture discussed current issues of suppression of religious extremism in the world community.

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