On December 9, 2015 the auditorium of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute had been conducted the event, which had become traditional - the concert of amateur art performance between faculties "Menin Kazakhstanym" devoted to the Independence Day of Republic of Kazakhstan.

On December, 4, 2015, "The Job Fair Vacancies" was taken place at Kostanay state pedagogical institute. The main purpose of "Job Fair Vacancies" was - the definition of places of practice and pre-employment of graduates of 2016. In spite of the weather conditions in the "Job Fair Vacancies" was attended by representatives of the department of education of akimat of Kostanay, the Department of Control of Education of Kostanay region, five regional departments of education and school principals of the region.

On December 3, 2015 students of the 1 course FFL have taken part in the event for an explanation of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. Students of our institute, teachers and also the first deputy of people's democratic party "Nur Otan" of branch of the Kostanay region Saparova Aliya Suyindikovna were invited to this event. Saparova A.S. in the report she has noted that our President on the annual message doesn't disregard youth. Among speakers there were teachers, employees of KSPI and students taking active part in life of institute.

December 3, 2015 the auditorium of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute had been hosted the conference onthe explanation of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev to people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan in the new global reality: growth, reform and development."

On December 3, 2015 the senior teacher of the department of foreign languages Doshchanova B. M. together with students of groups 32 have held an event "Celebration of the German Christmas" which became an old good tradition for students of faculty of foreign languages. The concert program, draws, competitions with tasty prizes have been prepared. The holiday "Zum Nicolaustag" - one of the most favourite days of a calendar for students of FFL.

According to the approved plan of educational work and work schedule of informational-preventional group, in the Institute, in the period from 27 November to 30 November there were held events to mark the Day of the First President, Leader of the Nation Nursultan Nazarbayev. The faculties of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute were held lessons on the topic: "The first program, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

30.11.2015 year was event dedicated to world AIDS Day, that held under responsibility of Associate Professor, Department of Natural Sciences and 3 year polilanguage group Biology specialty. The event guests were psychologist of Regional Drug Dependence Clinic Sarsenova Gulsim Aitzhanovna and teachers: Kozhakhmetova A.S. and Baymagambetova K.T.

On November, 30th, 2015 the Faculty of History and Arts held the event dedicated to the First President of Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev. This event was attended by the Dean of the Faculty Balgabaeva G.Z., deputy of the Dean Kakimova Z.N., curator of the first course Erisheva T.A., students of the specialty "History" and "Basics of Law and Economics". The event was actively participatedby students of the specialty "History", where they recited poems, showed presentations, read the reports about "The life and work of the President, "The formation of the institution of presidency", "President of the youth policy".

During the period from November 10 to November 30, 2015 the faculty held different competitions of posters, poems, essays devoted to Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev and the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On November 30, 2015 2 course students Boltushenko Dmitry and Butenko Victor have held an event for students of the 2 course devoted to the explanation of provisions of a seminar training "The ideas changing the world". The could show the main ideas of this seminar and youth policy on development of new Kazakhstan patriotism. The audience has taken active part in discussion of a seminar.

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