On October, 20th, 2015 the conference-hall of Kostanay state pedagogical institute had taken the meeting of administrative members of the Akimat of Kostanay region and students of KSPI. The meeting was attended by representatives of the regional Department of Religious Affairs, the Office for youth policy and the Imam of the Kostanay mosque.

The Historical Museum of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute from 5 to 19 October 2015 had excursions for the first-year students. The head of the museum Karina G.A.had introduced students to museum exhibits, paid students' attention to stands and showcases of the museum, which contains materials that reflect the individual stages of the Institute development; she had shown stands devoted to the history of the Institute, professors, veterans, the achievements of students and lecturers, as well as spoken about international cooperation and academic exchange of the Institute.

On October 17 2015 in Zatobolsk school-gymnasium held a workshop with the English teachers "Preparation for transfer to 12-year education: integrated English language training and special content (CLIL)". The seminar was held by head of the English Department of the pedagogical Institute, PhD Kudritskaya M.I. the Workshop was conducted in English, which also contributed to the increase of language competence of teachers-practitioners

On October, 16, members of informational-prevention group of KSPI Abilmalikov K.and Shaimerden G. gave a speech to operational team of one of units of DBNS (Department of Bureau of National Security) in Kostanay region. The theme of the speech and the ensuing discussion were the issues of prevention of religious extremism and inter-confessional conflict preemption issues of character.

On October, 16, 2015 the auditorium of the first Rector of Kostanay state pedagogical institute named after Ibraev Daulet Akniyazovich was opened at Kostanay state pedagogical institute. On August, 21, 1939, the Presidium of Kostanay regional executive Council of deputies had argue the Decree «Organization of Kostanay teaching institute on the base of Kazakh pedagogical specialized school» and the first director of the Institute was the honored teacher of Kazakh SSR Ibraev Daulet Akniyazovich.

On October 16, a group of first-year students of KSPI took part in the round table organized by the NGO "NurMakhabat", with the assistance of the Agency of internal policy of akimat of Kostanay region. The round table was held at the House of Friendship of Kostanay People's Assembly of Kazakhstan, and was devoted to issues of interethnic and interreligious harmony. Representatives of various ethno-cultural centers of the region, clergy, academics and studentswere discussing these issues.

Exhibition "Creativity without borders" of A.S. Sapiev's works and works of the students of specialty "Fine arts and drawing" took place in the library named after Tolstoi L.N. on 15, October 2015. A lot of guests visited this event. G.Z. Balgabaeva, the Dean of the faculty of History and Art, made a congratulatory speech. The students of the specialty "Musical education" presented some musical performances to beautify the exhibition. Wish our future artists further success and having bright colours.

On October, 14, Novikova G.N. and Tulgaev K.A. gave a speech in the front of students of the first year, Novikova G.N. is the Head of department of research of Christianity and non-traditional for Kazakhstan religious movements of the Analytical Center for Religious Affairs CRA ISS of Kazakhstan and Tulgaev K.A. is the first deputy of chairman of Unity of veterans of Afghanistan and participants of local wars of Kazakhstan

On October, 7, 12, 13, according to conditions of agreement with the NGO «Nur Makhhabat» Rector's counselor Shaimerden G.I. held meetings with students of humanitarian, social-technical and pedagogical colleges of Kostanay city. The aim of these meetings was the declaration of the Message of the President of Kazakhstan to Kazakhstan people. In his speech, Shaimerden G. told about global challenges and threats of geopolitical character, which Kazakhstan faced nowadays; and explained aims, which Kazakhstan people must face to overcome different chanllenges. Shaimerden G. paid attention to participation of student youth in realization of program "Nurly Zhol, and high lighted the necessity of learning English language as the language of basic science.

The Department of English opened English speaking club organized for the first year students of the faculty of foreign languages. The meetings will be held every Monday at 12.30. In class, students prepare presentations and discuss various topics of everyday communication. Participation in these meetings will help students to develop speaking skills and practice of communication in different situations in English, will increase the pace and confidence of their speech.

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