May 14, 2015 in the conference hall was hosted the protection of innovative projects on the theme "From Innovation to Practice", which was actively involved teachers who received training on the basis of the largest foreign universities: the University of Newcastle and Norwich Institute of Language Education (UK), University of Tsukuba (Japan), Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), Higher Technical University of Lisbon (Portugal), the International Academy of Management and Technology in Dusseldorf (Germany). Project goal: introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process.

The 8th of May, 2015 teachers and students of the faculty of foreign languages took part in a charity event collecting toys for children undergoing treatment in the city hospital. Active participation was taken by the teacher of French Sukhova V. A. and the student of the 4th course AsskarovaTansholpan. The hospital staff thanked all the participants.

May 6, 2015 at Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was the final stage of the student competition of innovative projects dedicated to the Day of Science. The main goals and objectives of the competition are: 1) Fostering the intellectual potential of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 2) Promotion of scientific and research, teaching and learning activities of students; 3) The selection and support of the most talented and gifted students; The competition of innovative projects dedicated to the Day of Science held in 3 stages.

The 6th of May, 2015 the students held a contest of research projects. The students of the faculty of foreign languages Amirkhamzina Z., Kassyanova D., Zakharova K., Zhanbyrbaeva A., Kovalenko A. were the active participants in the event.

The 30th of April, the veterans and home front of the great Patriotic war were honoured with of the most important holidays of the countries of the former Soviet Union – Victory Day. Students from all faculties took part in the concert program.

April 30 the head of the museum Karina G.A. and students of museum club held an event under the title "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten" to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory, for first year students. Today we commemorate the feat that made the soldiers of our homeland, including teachers of our institute.

The 29th of April, 2015 in Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute the 'Career Fair' event was held for the students of the 4th course. The 3rd year students of the FFL were entrusted to be responsible for the registration of the fair visitors and directors of educational institutions and for the analysis of results of the event.

The 28th ofApril, 2015 the Review Competition of Amateur Performances was held which was dedicated to the Day of Unity of Peoples of Kazakhstan. The right to represent the culture of the Kazakh people was entrusted to the students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages

April 24, 2015 in Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute was held the qualifying round of the international festival "Roads of Victory!" among institutions of higher learning dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. At the end of the concert the jury selected the best performances: the chorus of students under the leadership of S.Zhakaeva and dance ensemble "Ai aru" under the leadership of S. Babich to perform at the gala concert of the festival of creative youth "Roads of Victory!" in Astana.

In accordance with the schedule of the MES of holding Olympiads in basic higher educational institutions for 2015, Natural and Mathematical Faculty of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute conducted VII Republican Subject Olympiad in chemistry for students majoring in Chemistry 5B011200 April 23-24. The Olympiad was attended by 15 teams from the universities of different regions of Kazakhstan. Olympiad was held in two stages: Stage 1 - the solving tasks in chemistry; Stage 2 – experimental round in chemistry. Languages of the Olympiad were Kazakh and Russian. To summarize the results of the Olympiad prizes were established in the following order: one first place, two second places, three third places and the Grand Prix in the team competition, as well as first, second and third place in the individual standings.

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