The 14th of March, 2015 the Forum of Alliance of students of Kazakhstan was given the start. This occasion was dated to support the candidate for president of the Republic of Kazakhstan. First year students of the faculty of foreign languages participated in the event. Students' activists of higher education institution acted out on behalf of youth of the Kostanai region

The 12 of March graduates were gathered in a conference room of KGPI to participate in the action "With the diploma – to the village!". Zhakenov Zhanibek acted out on behalf of students of the faculty of foreign languages. He claimed to begin his pedagogical activity in a rural region. The students reflected the relation to this program in the performance, revealed its advantages and expressed their hopes for its realization.

On March 12, the rector adviser Shaimerden G.I. participated in the round table "The role of religion in modern Kazakhstan», devoted to 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan People's Assembly. The roundtable was attended by representatives of the Muslim and Orthodox confessions, heads of Tajik and Tatar-Bashkir national-cultural centers of Kostanay region, activists and members of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan.

March 12, 2015 in the conference hall of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was held a meeting of participants of the project "With diploma - to the village!". The aim is to implement the gathering of youth policy of Kazakhstan, promotion and popularization of the "With diploma - to the village!", as well as to discuss the prospects and problems of young professionals in rural areas.

From March 5 to March 12, 2015 at Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute were carried out a series of activities to promote healthy lifestyle. There were held lectures, training, and promotion. The event was attended by coordinators and experts of the center of problems by promoting healthy lifestyle. 10 volunteers were selected from among the students of specialty "Psychology", who have been trained and received a certificate of training completion for the prevention of smoking and alcoholism.

The 6th of March the men's staff of faculty of foreign languages congratulated a female half of teachers on the World Women's Day. The following people took charge of the occasion: Kusainov S.S., the teacher of faculty of foreign languages, Kim V. V., the laboratory assistant of faculty of foreign languages and students of the first and third courses Abdrakhmanov A., Butenko V. and Boltushenko D. The festive program consisted of the songs sung by Kym V., comic sketches (Kusainov V., Butenko V., Boltushenko D.) and the video (Abdrakhmanov A.). This event is held at faculty every year and turns out to become a good tradition.

On March 6, 2015 at 15.00 during the week of the department "Computer science and CT" and the plan of Physical-mathematical faculty at the student's house the "KVN" game was carried out among KSPI faculties. The organizers of the event were senior lecturer Dauletbaeva G.B., Aytbenova A.A., Tsyganova A.D. Radchenko T.A. and students of I - III courses of specialties "Computer science" of Kazakh branch.

On March 3, 2015 adviser of the rector of KSPI Shaymerden G. I. and members of IPG KSPI – "The center of religious studies" Alshanova B. H., Abilmalikov K.K., Abenov D.E. and Erisheva T.A. had taken part in work of the training seminar training which was organized by Management for religions across the Kostanay region

On March 2nd in the framework of the project "Serpіn - 2050" Mangilik el zhastary industriya" was a competition "Zhuzden zhuyrik mynnan tulpar" among 1st year students of psychological and pedagogical faculty. Students actively participated in the preparation and conducting of the contest, defending their logos, displayed their organizational abilities. From the stage the songs were performed, accompanied by electronic presentation about their specialty and group.

For the purpose of information campaign "Kazakhstani model of interethnic relations", on March, 2, 2015, psycho-pedagogical, natural and mathematical faculties and faculty of the Kazakh and Russian philology held the event "One country, one destiny". The moderator was a senior lecturer of department of World History and Social Sciences, PhD (doctorate) in philosophy, Amantaeva Aigul Bagitzhanovna.

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