Doschanova B.M., a chairperson of methodical bureau of the faculty of foreign languages, KGPI was a member of the State Certification Commission in Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute from 6th to 10th April, 2015. The process of certification was conducted on the following aspects: research, scientific and investigating projects of students, and professional practice of specialties: "Kazakh language and literature", "Russian Language and Literature," Foreign language: two foreign languages ".

April 8, 2015 on the basis of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was held a training seminar for members of the IPG (informative and propaganda group) of universities and colleges of the region, with the participation of experts from the Republican informative and propaganda group from Almaty.

One of the urgent problems of modernization of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the problem of ungraded schools. An important area of improving the work of ungraded primary school today was the increase of the theoretical and methodological level teachers.

International conference "Theory and Methodology of Historical Science" March 27, 2015 on the basis of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was held an international scientific and practical conference "Theory and Methodology of Historical Science" dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.

From March 11 to 27, 2015 teaching and educational center for language training invited as part of academic mobility doctor, professor of University named after Humboldt, Germany, Volker Raddatts for practical training in the disciplines "Foreign Language", "Professional-oriented foreign language" for students of 1, 2, 3 years of study of multilingual groups "Biology", "Geography", "Chemistry". Volker Raddatts held a seminar on "Modern didactics and methods of teaching foreign languages" for teachers of KSPI.

On March 20, 2015 the department of pedagogy of psychology and pedagogy faculty within a week organized and carried out the international online conference "The research potential of students of higher education: prospection". Participants of this conference were students of Kostanay State Teacher Training Institute; students of the International university of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek; students of Rudny industrial institute.

The 19th of March, 2015 Department of Foreign Languages received a bookpackage from the US Embassy. Useful and necessary department of magazines in English, in particular quarterly English Teaching Forum, CD-ROMs and illustrations became a pleasant event for the department of foreign languages.

March 19 Advisor to the Rector of KSPI Shaimerden G.I. and Head of the Department of Religious Affairs of Kostanay region Nugurbekov N.K. signed a memorandum of cooperation in the sphere of religion on 2015-2016. This memorandum provides a framework of interaction between the Office of Religious Affairs of Kostanay region and IPG (informative and propaganda group) of KSPI "Center for Religious Studies." Cooperation will be ongoing in several directions.

March 19 Advisor to the Rector of KSPI Shaimerden G.I. and students-volunteers of IPG participated in a roundtable at KSU named after A.Baitursynov: "Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism." The roundtable was a lively discussion on topical issues of prevention of religious extremism among students.

The 18th of March, 2015 Poly linguistic Centre teaching together with the educational center for language training and teaching FFL held a contest dedicated to the customs and traditions of Kazakh people. The event was timed to "Nauryz" holiday. The participants were students of Faculty of History and Art, Faculty of Mathematics, and Faculty of Foreign Languages

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