On February 20, at 15.00 in the conference hall of the Institute was held a round table discussion on "Multilingual education as the main condition for integration into the international educational space" with the participation of representatives of the city department of education of akimat of Kostanay, Nazarbayev University, AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics of Kostanay", schools of Kostanay, gymnasiums, KSU "Boarding school for gifted children "Ozat", Office of Education of akimat of Kostanay region, colleges of Kostanay and Rudniy, RSPC "Kostanay daryny", branch of PE "Center of pedagogical skills in Kostanay", JSC "NTSPK "Orleu" IPK PR of Kostanay region. A welcoming speech was performed by the vice-rector of academic and methodological work of KSPI, PhD, candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor Tolegen M.A

We have recently connected with Rudnyi social-humanistic college by named Ibyrai Altynsarin on the lesson of ethnopedagogics. The lesson's type was online-seminar. We celebrated holiday which called 'Nauryz'. It was interesting. Our students want to celebrate this holiday again.

On February 19, 2015 in Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute there was a meeting of students-members of initiative groups of faculties to promote the international project G-Global and the International Specialized Exhibition EXPO - 2017.

In the end of training at the Center of Excellence AEO "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools" at the chair of natural sciences was held a seminar" Discussion and ways of implementation the international educational program in the learning process, drawn up jointly with the Center of Excellence AEO "NIS" and the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge. "

February 18, 2015 there was held a seminar-report on master's thesis of teachers at the faculty of foreign languages that was organized by the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. The first report was prepared by the senior teacher G.Suleimenova on the topic "Intertextuality in discourse.

February 13 and 17, 2015 members of the IPG (informative and propaganda group) of KSPI “Center for Religious Studies” Shaimerden G.I. and Abilmalikov K.K. performed to the staff of DI and the Regional Court a lecture on “The activities of destructive religious movements as a threat to the national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. Shaimerden G. highlighted the main trends in the sphere of religious security; Abilmalikov K. devoted his speech to the methods of engagement and retention in religious destructive cults.

February 16, 2015 the adviser to the rector, Doctor of Political Sciences G.I Shaimerden gave a lecture on the topic "Prevention of religious extremism" to first-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. They considered disturbing present-day society questions of religious aggression, recruitment in the sect, joining terrorist groups, etc. The students asked many questions on this topic. The event ended with the documentary film about people who find themselves in different situations after joining the extremist groups.

On February 16, 2015 in Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was held a meeting of students with law enforcement and drug treatment clinic on "Prevention of drug abuse." At the meeting with the information performed an officer of the Anti-Narcotics Department of Internal Affairs of Kostanay region Kabidenova A.A. The meeting continued with a lecture by employee of drug abuse clinic of Kostanay region Beisembayeva G.A.

February 13-14, the students of FFL could say about their feelings by sending "Valentines" with unusual mail. The responsible for mail were the first-year student Anar Kenzhebayeva and the second-year student Zhansaya Amirkhamzina. The recipients were pleasantly surprised, so many students got positive emotions and good mood.

February 12-13, the 3rd year students of the FFL worked as guide – interpreters within the International conference on "Legal mechanisms of foreign countries in the sphere of public service and resistance to corruption" with the invitation of experts of the German Foundation for Legal Cooperation «IRZ». 17 students approved themselves as disciplined, responsible translators with good knowledge of English. The event gave an opportunity for students to see and to be seen not only as a teacher, but also as an interpreter.

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