Chair of Russian Language and Literature since 2012 has been working closely with Zhambylskaya ungraded school of Kostanay region: an agreement concluded on pedagogical collaboration, developed a joint work plan. According to the plan, teachers of the chair render methodological assistance to teachers of school in the organization of training and educational work: individual counseling on teaching Russian language and literature, field training seminars, trainings, workshops on topical issues in the development of ungraded schools, joint activities undertaken in the framework of the Week of the chair. School teachers took an active part in the methodical seminar "Innovative technologies in teaching Russian language."

On February 12, 2015 in the Dormitory of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute was a championship on chess and checkers among students of all specialties, dedicated to 550th anniversary of education in Kazakh Khanate. Championship was carried out by teachers of the chair of the history of Kazakhstan and dean's office of the faculty of history and arts, masters in history Abilmalikov K.K., Abenov D.E., Elkey N.N. The contest was attended by 50 students of specialties "Mathematics", "Physics", "History", "Basics of law and economics", "Tourism", "Biology", "Geography". The battle for the first place was furious and tense. Total number of participant from the KSPI's Dormitory was 40 students. None of the favorites of the championship did not give up.

On February 11, 2015 at conference-hall of Kostanay state pedagogical institute was carried out a round table inviting the representative of Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region. At the meeting, a presentation was made by a chairman of the Student Assembly of People of Kazakhstan of KSPI, 3rd year student of the Faculty of History and Arts Kadralinov A. He presented a plan for the organization, outlined future prospects

February 11, in the conference hall of KSPI a round table devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan was held by the Office for social-educational work and the Youth Committee. The representatives of various nations - Executive Secretary of the Regional Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan Dandybaev B.A. and representatives of the Tatar-Bashkir diaspora took part in it. The first-year students of the FFL listened to the participants' reports.

February 9-10, 2015 the 1st year students of FFL 14 ER, 15 ER could get acquainted with the history of KSPI under the guidance of the head of the museum Karina G.A. The history of formation of the Institute as the first higher education institution in the region, information about its first prominent personalities, current faculty and students glorifying KSPI far beyond it found their place in the stands and the windows of the institute museum. The students were grateful for the interesting tour and promised that they would visit the museum whenever possible.

In January, February of 2015 in Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute with the support of the sports club and the Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism hosted the annual sports day among the faculty and staff of the Institute. This year, the event was timed to 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.

February 7, 2015 FFL dean Associate Professor Doroshok E.L.organized meeting with the students enrolled in the program of academic mobility - students visited for one semester in France, Perpignan. Students prepared colorful presentation, videos of daily life. With special warmth students talked about the cultural exchange between students of different countries, a joint program of the academic mobility. A real opportunity to visit the birthplace of Napoleon, to touch the culture and life of the target language.

On February 6, 2015 at Kostanay state pedagogical institute the deans of the faculties organized meetings of teachers of the institute with the vice-rector on training and methodological work, associate professor, PhD, Tolegen M.A. During the meetings the basic questions related to organization of the learning process were considered: the beginning of the second term of 2014-2015 academic year, control of control of classes’ attendance by students of full-time study, internships, and etc.

On February 2, 2015 the department of science, foreign relations and innovative development organized and carried out the scientific and methodological seminar on selection of foreign journals with impact-factor and determination of personal index of citation.

January 31 the FFL dean, Associate Professor Doroshok E.L. organized a meeting of the first-year students with the students enrolled in the program of academic mobility - Nenashev Gleb (Germany, Bonn) and Ungutbaeva Aisha (USA, Kent). They prepared reports and presentations with photos, and told the students about the opportunities to study abroad. They also expressed appreciation to the leadership of the Institute for the opportunity to learn in foreign universities.

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