June 10-11, 2015, Advisor to the Rector G. Shaimerden took part in the V Congress of World and Traditional Religions held in Astana under the overall theme of "Religion and the sustainable development of the world." The subjects of the fifth congress was somewhat offset in the political and social and economic area.

June 8, 2015 in a conference hall was held a roundtable on the theme "Innovation: the practice and the result" with teachers who have undergone courses for professional development based on the FAO NTSPK "Orleu" - RIPKSO RK on "Professional development program for university teachers." The roundtable was attended by the doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, director of the National Institute for professional development of administration and the academic staff of the education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan Gulnar Balakayeva, vice-rector for educational and methodological work, PhD, candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor Tolegen Mukhtar, professors and teaching staff of the institute.

On June 8, at the Office for Religious Affairs of Kostanay region was signed a cooperation agreement between the "Center for Religious Studies" KSPI and Public Association "Society & I". From the "Center for Religious Studies" KSPI the contract was signed by the members of IPG K. Abilmalikov and D. Abenov, from the NGO "Society & I" the agreement was signed by its head M. Zhurkabaev. Under the agreement, members of the IPG KSPI will be required before the end of this year to provide services to conduct training seminars on topical issues in the religious sphere among students of colleges and universities of the region.

June 4, 2015 in the City center of Kostanay there was hosted The Forum of Patriots dedicated to the Day of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The forum was attended by university students of Kostanay region. The ceremony was held awarding ceremony of the nomination for the best movies of the state symbols. The students of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute in the amount of 250 people with balloons, flags took an active part in this event. Forum continued with a festive concert.

The 4th of June FFL students took part in the regional forum dedicated to the symbols celebration of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the festive program the eminent Kostanai region uttered solemn speeches, the artists of the city acted with the concert program. Gathered together university students chanted patriotic slogans. The event was of a pronounced patriotic character and gave the students a lot of positive emotions, energy, and a sense of unity with the people.

June 2, 2015 Republican association of teachers and French teachers, in cooperation with the Embassy of France of Kazakhstan, the French Alliance of Astana, Karaganda, and Kostanay conducted the International methodological seminar on topical issues of teaching French for Kazakhstani teachers, French teachers, students, and future teachers of French language in Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute.

May 29 at the Office of Religious Affairs of Kostanai region took place the presentation of "Reminders for district inspectors of police on topical issues of the religious sphere." In the design and preparation of this brochure actively participated Advisor to the Rector of KSPI Shaimerden G., IPG members of KSPI's "Center of Religious Studies" Abilmalikov K. and Abenov D. The manual contains a brief description of non-traditional religious movements and groups, common in the region, the negative signs of their activities and beliefs destructive elements. Also there were disclosed a social danger of their activities on society.

On May 22, 2015 lecturers of the department of foreign languages made the contest on English and French for going to foreign universities for academic mobility in the United States and France Universities. Students of different specialties took part in it. Before testing, the vice rector on educational and methodical work, doctor of philosophy PhD, PhD (doctorate) in economy Tolegen M.A. gave his speech to students. Professor Osspanova A.S. wished a successful test passing. Students, who received the highest scores on the language, are able to study in US and France universities.

On May 22nd, in the Center for Civic Initiatives was held a workshop-training for volunteers of the NGO "Association of Practicing Psychologists of Kazakhstan", in which actively participated students of psychological and pedagogical faculty of KSPI Sagimbayeva Z. and Perzentbaeva S

May 15th in Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute was conducted the distribution of graduates of 2015. In 2015, 970 students graduate the Institute, of them rural quota are 114 people, 79 people of which are distributed and 35 graduates have the right to self-employment.

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