On November 4, 2015 the chair "World History and Public Disciplines" held conference for the purpose of acquaintance, discussion of significant economic, political information on a subject: "EXPO-2017 – the Bridge to technologies of the future". The candidate of political sciences, adviser of the rector Shaymerden G. I., candidate of historical sciences Yarochkina E.V., candidate of economic sciences Nurmagambetova L.I., senior lecturer, master of economy AntayevZh.T. took part in the conference.

On November, 4, 2015 with in the state program «Salamatty Kazakhstan» there was the learning seminar for students "Youth and medicine" at Kostanay state pedagogical institute with the member of Republican center of health department Nurmukanova R.T.

On Saturday, 31 October 2015 on the basis of the Zatobolsk school-gymnasium, the head of Department of foreign languages of the faculty of foreign languages Kudritskaya M. I. held a master class "Creating a virtual learning environment based on interactive Internet platform www.Edmodo.com" for English teachers of Kostanay district.

30 October 17.00 an intellectual game "Leader of XXI century" has passed in the house of students in which took an active part 2nd year students of specialty "Law and Economics" under the guidance of senior teacher, master of law M. V. Razuvaeva. The subject of the intellectual game was the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan. As we all know this year is 20 years of our Constitution.

October 27th, 2015 KSPI rector, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor K.M. Baymyrzaev awarded the diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science 4-year student specialty 5В011300 - Biology A.T. Maruarova for the 3rd place in the Republican contest of student research papers.

From 26 to 27 October 2015 Senior Lecturer, Department of History Master of History of Kazakhstan KK Abilmalikov a training seminar "Topical issues of state policy in the sphere of religion" held in Astana within the walls of the research of the analytical center of the Committee for Religious Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The workshop addressed issues related to the traditions and customs of the Kazakh people, the traditional madhhab in Kazakhstan, the adverse effects of currents and spread of non-traditional religious organizations. All participants received certificates of the two day courses in public policy.

On 23 October 2015 in the Assembly hall of KSPI was carried out KVN, which involved students from all faculties. This year special was the team of students of 1 course of faculty of foreign languages, performing under the name "Zhas New" and providing the image of the school at a high level.

On October, 22nd, in the House of Friendship, Kostanay there was the regional meeting of heads and members of informational-promotional groups from high institutions, colleges of Kostanay region. The head of the Government for religion affairs of Kostanay region Nugurbekov N.K. presented a report with results of IPG for 2014, in that report he highlighted the activity of IPG of KSPI - The centre of religion studies. For the contribution to the promotion of inter-religious harmony and advocacy activities for the prevention of religious extremism members of IPG of KSPI Abenov D., Abilmalikov K.and Shaimerden G.were awarded with cash prizes and appreciation letters of the Office for Religious Affairs of Kostanay region.

Dear students! The Department of Foreign languages started its work group on the German language "Deutsch mit Vergnuegen", invited 2nd year students of specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages". The club runs on Wednesdays from 12.30 to 13.30. Students are encouraged to study the material culture of the plan.

On October 20, 2015 in a conference room of KSPI the event for an explanation of a state program "Serpin – 2050" to the students who have arrived on the state educational grant on a pedagogical quota has been held. At a meeting there were representatives of regional department for religion, managements concerning youth policy and the Imam of the city mosque.

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