On March 6, 2015 at 15.00 during the week of the department "Computer science and CT" and the plan of Physical-mathematical faculty at the student's house the "KVN" game was carried out among KSPI faculties. The organizers of the event were senior lecturer Dauletbaeva G.B., Aytbenova A.A., Tsyganova A.D. Radchenko T.A. and students of I - III courses of specialties "Computer science" of Kazakh branch.

On February 24th at the gym of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was held a friendly mini-football competition between the team of "KSPI" and the team of the Azerbaijani diaspora of Kostanay region «STAR». Meeting was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the formation of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan. Team of "KSPI" won the contest with a score of 12-7.

On February 21 the sports hall of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute took a sport event «Merry starts» among students living in the hostel. The main purpose of the event was attracting students to a healthy lifestyle. The tournament was attended by teams such as "Okzhetpes", "512", "Maximum", "Birlik", "Sunkar". There were various competitions and the jury had selected the strongest team. The winner of the tournament was the team of the 1st year students "Okzhetpes".

On February 16, 2015 in Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was held a meeting of students with law enforcement and drug treatment clinic on "Prevention of drug abuse." At the meeting with the information performed an officer of the Anti-Narcotics Department of Internal Affairs of Kostanay region Kabidenova A.A. The meeting continued with a lecture by employee of drug abuse clinic of Kostanay region Beisembayeva G.A.

In January, February of 2015 in Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute with the support of the sports club and the Faculty of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism hosted the annual sports day among the faculty and staff of the Institute. This year, the event was timed to 550 anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.

On January 23rd, 2015 the rector’s counselor of KSPI Shaymerden G.I. took part in the work of training seminar for teachers of technical and economical college and gave a lecture on the theme “Activity of destructive religious movements as a threat to the national security of the RK”. The seminar was attended by the members of IPG (information and propaganda group) of KSPI Abilmalikov K.K., Abenov D.A. Especially Abilmalikov K. devoted his speech to the methods of engagement and retention in religious destructive cults, and Abenov D. in his speech highlighted the characteristic of religious factor in interethnic relations.

October 23-24, 2014 there was a celebration of the 75th anniversary of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. Under the program of celebration October 23 was held an International scientific and practical conference "Educational work in the modern university." Presentations were made by: 1. Akhmetov Tlegen – the vice-rector on educational work and social and economical issues of KSPI. 2. Berezhnova Elena – doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of MSIIR, leading scientific employer of the institute of strategy and theory of formation of RAE Moscow, Russia.

On the 2nd of September at Kostanay state pedagogical institute was held an event dedicated to the beginning of new 20014-2015 academic year. Yesterdays enrollees, todays first-year students entered at one of the leading universities in Kazakhstan, celebrating the 75th anniversary this year. The speech of welcome was told by the rector of the institute, professor Baymyrzaeyv K.M. Also with the parting words performed the candidate of philological sciences, professor Ospanov S.O., on behalf of the first-year students spoke a winner of Republican Olympiads Velundruzi Tatyana. This year the number of enrollees was more than 900 freshmen. Among them there are winners of scientific projects. International and republican Olympiads, as well as holders of grants "Serpin – 2050" within the framework of the project "Mangelik el zhastary – industriyaga". After an official part of the event first year students went to the classrooms in order to get acquainted with the faculty, which they are going to study at.

15-16th of May, 2014 on the basis of Kostanay state pedagogical institute was held the XXth anniversary regional inter-institutional festival "Student spring - 2014". Among participants were delegations from six higher institutions of Kostanay region. For the title of winners in various categories were struggling students from KSU named after A.Baytursynov, ArkSPI named after Y.Altynsarin, Rudny industrial institute, KEnEU named after M.Dulatov, KSTU named after academician Z.Aldamzhar and, of course, students from KSPI. The idea of the festival was born in April 1995 that was organized by the Rudny Industrial Institute. Until now this festival "Student spring" is carried out annually among students of Kostanay region, as a traditional event, designed to promote the preservation and enhancement of the spiritual, moral, and cultural achievements of students.Two festival days were full of interesting competitions, akyns contests, sports events. Students of universities competed for the title "best of the best" in knowledge and erudition in intellectual competition, admires with sparkling KVN's humor, however, the most memorable event was "Miss student spring 2014".

April 24th, 2014 at conference-hall of Kostanay state pedagogical institute took place a meeting with former students of the faculty of "Physical education, sports and tourism", honored Master of Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, World Champion of 2013 in speed skating at a distance 1000 meters, a participant of Olympic games in Sochi 2014 Denis Kuzin, titular sportsman Aleksandr Zhigin, who has a title Master of Sport of international class of the Republic of Kazkahstan in speed skating.

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