Today, every university entrant is faced with an actual question of choosing a prestigious and at the same time demanded profession. His future depends on his conscious choice. And the question is what profession to choose and how to be in demand and competitive on the labor market today? To help answer this and many other questions, the Department of Philology on April 29, 2020 for the first time held a virtual Open Day for pupils of the 10th-11th grades of schools of Kostanay region.
The graduation period is just around the corner and each graduate will face the acute question of choosing a profession, because the whole future life of the graduate depends on this issue. What is important today is the question of what educational programs we can offer applicants, what they are aimed at, what competencies graduates will have, what are the advantages of our educational programs over others. It was these issues and a number of others that were voiced at the open day of the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism, which was held on April 29 on the Microsoft Teams platform.
According to the schedule of the educational process, the last stage in the organization of the educational process is undergraduate practice. The result of undergraduate practice is the carrying out of pre-diploma work. According to the educational programs "Physical Culture and Sports", "Tourism", from April 20 to April 28, pre-graduation theses for full-time students were conducted.For the first time, the pre-diploma thesis procedure took place in the form of distance learning. To undergo the pre-defense procedure, the student had to conduct his work through the Anti-Plagiarism, the percentage of originality of the thesis should be at least 70%
From April 20 to 24, 2020, as part of the week of the Department of psychology and defectology among students of the specialties "Pedagogy and psychology", "Psychology", "Defectology" under the guidance of senior teachers Akhmetbekova Z. D. and Kairova B. K., an online video contest was held on the theme "Patriotism in the value system of modern youth in the implementation of the national idea "Mangilik El"!". The main goals and objectives of the competition are to support and develop the creative abilities of young people; to stimulate professional self-knowledge, expand horizons and form patriotism through practical activities; to create a favorable environment for the internal spiritual development and implementation of active creative, life and civic position of young people; to form new value orientations in the implementation of the national idea "Mangilik El".
On April 24, an online meeting was held on the KSPU Conference On-Line platform of the KSPU conference with 1-3 year students of the tourism and physical education and sports programs of the full-time faculty of physical education, sports and tourism in training and conducting a summer examination session.All the students' questions were answered by the dean of FFKSiT Kifik N.Yu., deputy. Dean Shkvarenko N.S., Head. Department TiPFKSiT Ogienko N.A. We noticed that the examination session will be in the usual format.
This is possible in close cooperation between the University and employers. An active dialogue in the form of an online round table was held at the Department of psychology and defectology within the framework of the methodological week. The topic of the online round table is "Current issues in the formation of a model of a modern graduate of a University of psychological and pedagogical direction". Today, this topic is very important for the higher education system in the context of the autonomy of higher education institutions and increasing competition between them, and when choosing ways to respond to rapidly developing events in the world.
Based on the electronic site, April 23, 24, 2020 with the participation of the Dean of social and humanitarian faculty of the Department of social Sciences, law and Economics of Shahaman Z. B. held the event at the pre-defence of diploma projects of students of the 4th year of the educational program "5B011500 - foundations of law and Economics". During the preliminary discussion of the diploma projects, the main principles and structure of scientific papers, clarification of the object and object of research, the empirical basis of the content of materials, the sufficiency of literature and the availability of legal acts, the transparency of websites as an additional resource for the preparation of diploma projects were worked out and clarified.
The path to professionalism: my future profession, the so-called video contest, which took place at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics according to the distance learning plan of KSPU named after UmirzakSultangazin. The main goal of the competition is to popularize the educational programs of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, reflect the possibilities of educational programs of undergraduate studies, as well as to enable students to demonstrate their professional skills and creative potential. General management of the preparation and conduct of the competition was carried out by the organizing committee, which included a candidate of biological sciences, associate professor G. Ruchkina (also provided methodological support), master of chemistry, senior teacher M. Gubenko, master of teacher education, senior teacher A. Aitbenova, acting Head of the Department of FMD Telegin OS.
On April 22 and 23, a student scientific-practical online conference was held at the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism on the topic "Actual Issues of the Formation and Development of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism". April 22, the conference was held for the educational program "Tourism", April 23, the conference was held for the educational program "Physical Culture and Sports". The main purpose of this conference was to test the topics of research work of graduate students.
By the order of the State Institution "Department of Youth Policy of the Akimty of the Kostanai Region" under the project "Organization and promotion of socially significant youth events in the framework of the implementation of the program articles «Рухани жаңғыру», «Ұлы даланың жеті қыры»" the regional contest "100 zhana ogulyk" was held among higher and secondary special educational institutions in the form of book trailers. A book trailer is a miniature video that includes vivid and recognizable moments of a book, visualizing its contents.