On 30st November teachers of Department of Russian Language and Literature held a seminar "Modernization of the consciousness of teachers and students as a necessary condition for the effective functioning of the education system." The purpose of the seminar is to identify ways and means of modernizing the consciousness of teachers and students. Teachers from the schools of the city and the region were invited. An interesting conversation about modern educational requirements was held in the seminar.

November 30, 2017 at the Department of Natural Sciences, according to the work plan of the local lore club "Sayakhat" under the guidance of teachers, the master of geography Koval V.V., Zagorulko V.V., Zhusupova A.U. held a discussion and intellectual game on "Modern toponymic renaming: the pros and cons." Participants of the debates were students of the 1st and 4th year of the specialization "Geography": Pechorkina Marina, Sarkhanov Vladimir, Abatova Aziza; "Biology": Gadzhieva Sevil, Karpova Karina; "History": Zhanglysh Abylay.

On Thursday, November 30 at 11.30 in the framework of the state program "Ruhani zhangiru" and the Plan of the nation "100 concrete steps" held a general curatorial hour devoted to the First President's Day. The action was initiated by the Office of the socio-educational work of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute and supported by the dean's office and the Department of Arts GFS. In the assembly hall of Kostanay state pedagogical institute has gathered about 50 students of all courses of the specialty "Music education" teachers and curators of the Department of Arts, Department of social and humanitarian.

On November 29, 2017 at department of natural sciences there has taken place the ecological action devoted to the World Day of Birdwatchers. Birdwatching – one of the most humane hobbies, a kind of ecotourism when the person just watches birds by means of the field-glass or with the naked eye. Birdwatchers divide themselves into two types. The first – professionals and those who have a certain knowledge base in ornithology. For them the berdvoching has scientific value more.

On 29st November Pchelkina T.R. hold a master class "The usage of electronic means of learning in the course "Author's position and ways of expressing in the prose of the 19-20 centuries ". The aim of the master class is to show the possibilities of using electronic teaching aids in studying the discipline "Author's position and ways of expressing in the prose of the 19-20 centuries ". Students responded to problematic issues, made a thesis plan for an article by a well-known literary critic Yu. Bolshakova, were tested on the topic "The author's problem in contemporary literary criticism. The main attention was paid to the work of creative groups.

The object Olympic Games in "Physical culture and sport" are successfully prepared and held among students of 3 and 4 courses of the Kazakh and Russian separations on full-time courses. Management of the object Olympic Games was performed by organizing committee in composition: associate professor of Biktasheva G.Sh., department chair Ogiyenko N.A. and senior lecturers of department of TIPFKSIT Ladle N.A., Shilov I.A., Kakashev K.T., deputy dean on educational operation Shkvarenko N.S.

On 28st November is the world day of charity. On this day heads of the social project:"Heart to heart" Pchelkina Т.R. and Matershova A.I. summed up the results of the action "Help for E. A. Knyaginin. The action was held by teachers and students of specialties "Russian language and literature", "Kazakh language and literature". Ivan Barannikov and Alexander Neamtsu took part in the transfer of collected funds. Money, food, necessities was given Edward Aleksandrovich. He was glad of the help, thanked the teachers and students.

28th of November 2017 in the Students' House of the Qostanay State Pedagogical Institute (QSPI) senior professors of the Psychology and Therapeutic Pedagogy Department - Y.B. Grigorova, O.V. Kalinichenko, Z.D. Akhmetbekova - together with the fourth-year students of the Psychology major conducted a workshop on the stress resistance. The event was conducted in the Psychology and Therapeutic Pedagogy Department within a Healthy Lifestyle Week framework. Such way of co-operation with the students has found itself constant as long as workshops on stress resistance and communication and personal development are annually conducted among the students residing in the dormitory.

On November 28, 2017, curatorial hour was devoted to the "Day of the First President", in which 21 students of the philological faculty of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages". There were 20 students and the teachers of the Foreign Languages ​​Department Rahmetova A.A, Burmagina L.A, Doshchanova B.M. Within the framework of the event, students Popova P., Tankibaeva D., Almuchanbetova S., Abilova S., Dolgushkina A. acquainted those present with the biography and the formation of the President as the Leader of the Nation.

On 27st November students of the first year of the specialty "Russian language and literature" with the curator Matershova A. I. was held a curatorial hour on the theme "Nursultan Nazarbayev - the leader of nation". Students prepared presentations and videos. They paid attention to the political, economic and cultural activities of the first president. The projects realizing the program "Ruhani Jangyrou" were noted in Kostanay region. The problems of preserving the national identity, the transition to the Latin alphabet, the education of a competitive youth were discussed.

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