On November 3, 2017 has taken place the rewarding of participants of the training seminar “Increase in theological and legal literacy of members of council of public consent of APK of all levels”. One of its participants was the student of the 4th course of specialty “Russian and Literature” of philological faculty Rakhimzhanova Diana. Here, in the House of Friendship, was the meeting with the famous poetess of Kostanay Suslova of A.I. The student works on the diploma paper connected with the creativity of the Kostanay authors under the leadership of the senior teacher of the department Mustakimova G. V.

On 2st November the lesson of the discipline "Fundamentals of Scientific Research in Philology" was spent in the form of the business game for students of the 4th year of the specialty «Russian Language and Literature» (a teacher - the candidate of philological sciences Pchelkina T.R.). It was to prepare for writing for diploma paper. All participants of the lesson got their roles: the head of the department, the student, the supervisor of studies, the reviewer, the library worker, the secretary of the SAC and others.

The principle of “peer-to-peer education” or “equal-equal” was wholly realized on the fourth lesson at School of mediation and national diplomacy which has taken place on November 1, 2017. As the trainer - the moderator not the professional teacher, but the student of the 4th course of specialty “Psychology”, the graduate of School of mediation and national diplomacy Mishanova Ekaterina has made a speech at this lesson. Classes have been given in the form of a training and finished the subject “Characteristic of the Conflict as Social Phenomenon”.

The department of natural sciences, natural and mathematical faculty has organized and has held on November 2, 2017 a methodical seminar on the subject "Modern Education Systems of Kazakhstan and Her Realization" within the «Mangilik el» program. The seminar purpose - discussion of the made changes in the standard curriculum on natural disciplines - biology, geography and chemistry, at high school within implementation of the updated program. Experts teachers of educational institutions of the city and the Kostanay region have been invited to a seminar (a gymnasium of A.M. Gorky, KSU boarding school for exceptional children of the High school «Ozat», №23 of M. Kozybayev).

On November 2, 2017 in a conference room of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute akimat of the Kostanay region has carried out the round table on a subject: “Local history activity as factor of education of the younger generation” for implementation of article of the President N.A. Nazarbayev “A prospection: modernization of public consciousness”. Teachers of faculty of physical culture of sport and tourism and specialists of Municipal public institution “Regional center of physical culture and tourism for children and young people” of department of education of akimat of the Kostanay region, the teacher of schools have taken part in work of a round table.

On October 31, 2017 on the basis of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute the department of foreign languages has organized the international scientific and practical conference "Globalized  world: social-economic and political tendencies in education" with participation of scientists of the international scale (M. Estrada, the doctor of philosophy of the Varvika University, Great Britain, V. Petrov, the Kazimeshsky University after K. Veliky, Poland, professor Sankarakumar, India). The moderator is Solovyova N.A., candidate of pedagogical sciences, an associate professor, a head of the department of foreign languages of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute.

On October 30, 2017 in the regional museum named by I. Altynsarin has been carried out the round table devoted to discussion of the book of Y. Altynsarin “Spiritual training”. Students of the 1st course of the specialties “Bases of the Right and Economy” and “Music education” have participated in this action. As the invited guests were: naib imam Bakhytzhan, Shaukenov Zh. A. and also teachers of religious studies Bukhmetova A. A. and Baytikenova U.K. the teacher of a gymnasium of Maulenov. To the students there was showed the presentation according to the book of Y. Altynsarin, and guests of honor have expressed the opinion on spirituality problems.

At the end of October at faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism the round table "Training in physical culture and sport, ready to the global competition in education" has taken place. Representatives of KGU of "The regional center of physical culture and tourism for children and young people" of Department of education of akimat of the Kostanay region, the director of sports school, the teacher of schools and teachers of department of the theory and practicians of physical culture, sport and tourism have been invited to a round table.

Disciplines of specialization are the basic for students of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sport". In addition, theoretical and practical classes should be constantly reinforced by participation in competitions of different levels, not only as participants, but also as judges, organizers. Only in this case, students receive complete knowledge and acquire full-fledged skills in their specialization and specialization. Therefore, the ongoing competitions in the Kostanay region are always with the direct participation of students specializing in "Physical Culture and Sports".

On October 28-29 in Astana students of natural-mathematical faculty of KSPI of specialty “Informatics” have participated in the republican festival of the innovative ideas “Zhastar -Otanga” held by Bolashak association with assistance of the Ministry of affairs of religions and civil society of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The festival consisted of the educational module and an estimated part of the project which included: a seminar trainings from the qualified trainers specializing in area of innovations; master classes in the presentation of the ideas and projects; meetings with the famous Kazakhstan public and political figures; business games; a competition of the innovative ideas where students represented the startup projects for judges.

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