According to the work plan of the I.Altynsarin Center at the chair of pedagogy of KSPU on November 22-25, there was an active intellectual QUEST game "Explorer: hidden tips" (a trip to the institutions and the street of the city named after Ibrai Altynsarin) (further QUEST). QUEST was organized to develop the intellectual and creative potential of the individual by improving the skills of active research behavior, developing research abilities and the ability to work in a team. In the QUEST were 4 teams of 5 people, consisting of students 1-4 courses KSPU.During the game, participants attended five stations: the regional memorial museum of Ibrai Altynsarin, the boarding school for gifted children named after I.Altynsarin, the regional library for children and youth named after I.Altynsarin, the memorial complex of Ibrai Altynsarin and the street named after I.Altynsarin.

On November 24, the students of KSPI 21 of the philological faculty of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" of the 1-4th courses (50 people), who study German like the main foreign language and second FL, visited in the Kostanai Regional Philharmonic named after E. Umurzakov in honor of the 25 years of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Germany. The opening speech was delivered by German ambassador Rolf Mafael Deputy who designated importance and need of a learning of foreign languages.

On November 23-24, 2017 at the philological faculty the senior teacher of the chair of foreign languages Balzhanova A.M. held the olympiad on the English language among the students of the 3d course (specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages"). The olympiad consisted of two rounds and included listening, speaking, writing, reading tasks. The goal of the olympiad: to control the level of students` knowledge of the lexical, grammatical material, skills of reading and understanding the text content, speaking, listening, writing skills.

On 24st November meeting of students of the first year of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" with photographer Veronika Preobrazhenskaya and the head of reconstruction historical club «Temir Tumen» Mikhail Guta was organized. Veronica Preobrazhenskaya is one of the best photographers in the world (by the version of the largest design website She is a winner in the category "The Best Creative Blog" (by the version and Kazakhstan Association of Internet development and resources).

November 24, 2017 under the " Ruhani zhangiru " project "Kazakhstan culture in the modern world" in the House KGPI students met with students KGPI senior lecturer at the Department of Arts Sapiev AS, a member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan, winner of the Club of Kostanay patrons the area in 2016. Students are familiarized with the biography of the artist, his paintings. Of particular interest to students caused a creative work of the author in the historical genre. The paintings portraits Abylaikhan, Attila, Қorkyt ata, Қozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu, burkitshi.

24 November 2017 210 audience was held subject Olympiad among students of 1-3 courses the specialty "Basics of law and economics". The purpose of this event was the promotion of knowledge in law and Economics and the identification of students with good preparation. The organizers of the Olympics was the acting head.the Department of "Social disciplines, the Basics of law and Economics" Phys.N., associate Professor Amantaeva A. B., master of law, senior lecturer Razuvaeva, M. V. and master of Economics, senior lecturer Antai J. T. the event included training on outline of the basic law of the state, testing the knowledge of norms of the Constitution, the job ratio and the solution of economic tasks.

On November 23, 2017 on NMF there took place the seminar training dated for the World Campaign of fight about AIDS in RK – "The right for health". The event was held for the purpose of drawing attention of youth to a problem HIV / AIDS, knowledge risings and also formation of a healthy lifestyle. Health – the most valuable oof of mankind to keep and improve it in arms of each of us. The invited guests of an action told students about ways of infection and transfer HIV and AIDS, about opportunities of prevention of these diseases.

November 23, 2017 in the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute during the educational and methodological week "Kazakh national language and literature in the world space, the path to spiritual modernization" was held round table "Latin alphabet - modern Kazakh culture in the world", organized by the department of Kazakh language and. The purpose of the round table is the importance of switching to the Latin alphabet, designating original sounds in separate letters, removing unnecessary sounds from the alphabet, getting rid of excessive spelling rules, changing the pronunciation of Kazakh words, analyzing information on the optimal and suboptimal sides.

Within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation, together with the education department of the akimat of Kostanay region on the basis of the Zatobolsk School-Gymnasium named after. N. Naushabaev held a seminar «Organization of design and research activities of junior schoolchildren in small-scale schools». To participate in the seminar, three-year students of the kazakh department of the specialty «Pedagogy and methodology of primary education» were invited. According to the seminar plan, the work was aimed at developing the functional literacy of primary school students in kazakh language lessons and literary reading.

On November 23, 2017 on the specialty Chemistry of Natural and Mathematical Faculty there has taken place the action devoted to discussion of program article of the Leader Nation – N.A. Nazarbaeva, «Рухани Жаңғыру». Modernization of public consciousness became the central theme. During the discussion the questions of humanistic function of education and prospects of a technocratic era have been raised. Students and their curators actively discussed the methods of modern science and an innovation in an education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan connected with transition to a taxonomical pyramid of training and introduction of online magazines.

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