On January 23, 2018 at the Chair of APK teachers and students of faculty of socio-humanitarian discussed the message of the President of The Republic of Kazakhstan “New opportunities development in the fourth industrial revolution”. On this day, at the suggestion of the Association of Chairs of the APK in the online mode, the meeting of the Republican Association of APK Chairs was expanded with the participation of 11 republican chairs of the APK. At the meeting was discussion of the message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and presentation of books of head of state N. Nazarbayev “The Era of Independence”.

At psychology and pedagogical faculty, for the purpose of support and promotion of the annual Message of the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev "New opportunities of development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution" and formation at students of call of duty and responsibility on realization of tasks and decisions of the Message, have been carried out the curator hours organized by curators of groups and activists of faculty. Today the world enters an era of profound changes: technological, economic and social.

In November 2017, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan realised a competition to conferment of title of "The Best University Teacher". As a result of the competition, three teachers of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute were awarded this honorary title. Among them is the teacher of the Cair of Natural Sciences, Candidate of Biological Sciences, associate professor Bragin Evgeniy A. Evgeny Alexandrovich graduated from Rostov State University and worked for many years in the scientific department of the Naurzum State Nature Reserve.

On 19st January was spent an intellectual game of first-year students of a specialty 5B011800 "Russian Language and Literature". The goals – to analyze text of the message, to develop patriotism.The students disassembled the text of the Message, clarified the aspects of the social policy, the education, languages, the healthcare, noticed the achievements of the past with curator. After an intellectual game was conducted. The students was trying to give right answers. The curatorial hour was interesting, the work was productive.

Students of the second year of the specialty "Russian language and literature" visited the educational center "School of speed-reading and development of intelligence IQ007". They got acquainted with the activity of the center. Teachers of the Kostanay school IQ007 studied in Zlatoust (Russia). Russian and the CIS countries centers for speed-reading and development of intelligence work under the methodology by the specialists of the School IQ007. The teachers of the center acquainted the students with a brief review of the rate of speed reading and development of intelligence.

January 16-18, 2018 at the Department of Natural Sciences took place curatorial hours devoted to the annual Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan "New opportunities under the fourth industrial revolution". The Address includes 10 priority directions of development of the country in 2018. The events were prepared and conducted by the curators of the first, second courses: Tauakelov Ch.A., Rulyova M.M., Baimaganbetova K.T., Zagorulko V.V., Ergalieva E.M., Baimaganbetova B.B. specialties "Chemistry", "Biology", "Geography" (Kazakh, Russian and multilingual groups).

January 18, 2018 teachers of the Natural Sciences Chair-Associate Professor Belan O.R. and senior lecturers Kobez T.S. and Akhmetchina T.A.realizied a methodical seminar with the participation of teachers and students on the topic "Interactive teaching methods". Teachers gave the benefit of experience of use an interactive approach to learning on the example of their courses (Physical Methods of Research in Chemistry "," Ecology and Basics of Life Safety ", etc.).

18 January 2018 at the meeting of the Department of Arts was discussed the message of President of RK N. Nazarbayev, "the Development of the country in terms of the fourth industrial revolution". The message of the President of Kazakhstan contains 10 key objectives leader for the coming year: "Industrialization will become the flagship of the introduction of new technologies, Further development of the resource potential," "Smart technologies"-a chance for a breakthrough in the development of agricultural sector", "improving the efficiency of transport and logistics infrastructure", "Implementation of modern technologies in the construction and utilities sector".

A practical seminar on the theme "Analysis of the decision-making on the olympiad tasks of the 2 and 3 stages of the Republican Olympiad on the subject "The English language" was organized on January 18th , 2018 on the basis of State Institution "School-Lyceum #3 of the Department of Education of Kostanay Akimat" with the direct support of the Education Department of the City Center for the Work with Gifted Children (Daryn). The leading teacher was V.V. Danilova, PhD, c.p.sc., master of pedagogy and psychology, senior lecturer of the Foreign Languages Department, KSPI.

On January 16, 2018 at the department of Pedagogic the methodological seminar on the subject "Modern Problems of Science and Education" for teachers, students and the staff of the KSPI were held by the doctor of Pedagogical sciences, Professor Berezhnova Yelena Viktorovna. Ye.V. Berezhnova works in MSIMO and Yu MFA of Russia, teaches author's courses for undergraduates and doctoral candidates. Within the Cooperation agreement Yelena Viktorovna annually holds meetings with teachers and students in KSPI, participates in scientific conferences, seminars and gives lectures.

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