On February 9 students probationers of specialty "History" 3 courses Rustem Toyganbayev and Asel Abdirakhmanova have spent a class hour "Sanaly azamat" for pupils of 5 classes of a gymnasium of Gorky. The class hour was spent within professional orientation work of students in educational institutions of the city. Students have told about specialties and professions in which they train at the Kostanay state teacher training college. The specialist of department of history of Kazakhstan Abilmalikov K.K. has also been invited to a class hour as the guest., who has told about a teaching profession in higher education institution, about a role of the teacher in life of each person.

February 9 at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism held a virtual meeting with representatives of Magnitogorsk State Technical University. G.I. Nosov. From the faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism were present: Dean of the faculty of physical culture of sport and tourism Kyfik N.Yu., Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of FСSiT Ogiienko NA, Senior Teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice of FСSiT Malshakova VV. The management of the Institute was attended by: head of the department of academic programs Chernyavskaya O.M, specialist of the department of academic programs Bermagambet R.

February 9, 2018 in the Ice Palace held a solemn parade dedicated to honoring the members of the Olympic team of Kazakhstan, the natives of the Kostanay region. Students of KSPI, including students and teachers of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, took an active part in the event. 6 students of our faculty took part in the solemn ice show: Melnik Roman - master of sports in speed skating, multiple winner and champion of the Cups of the Republic of Kazakhstan on skates, Yevgeny Bondarenko is a master of sports in cross-country skiing, a multiple champion of republican competitions, a silver medalist of the World Winter Student Games.

From 6 to 8 February in the city of Kostanay in the sports complex "ChelSU" hosted the city championship in basketball among men's teams of higher education institutions. It was attended by the teams of CSU, KinEU, KSU and the team "10 region" of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. Having conceded to the site owners, the team of CSU, the team of the teacher's college took the second place. The KSPI team played: Boyko Vladislav - 2nd year student of FFСSaT; Udalov Vladislav - 3rd year student of FFСSaT; Alexander Gordienko - 3rd year student of FFСSaTT; Valiev Rustam - 1-st year student of FFСSaT.

On February the 7th , in the framework of the social project "You are not alone" the students of the first year of the Philological Faculty of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" under the supervision of teachers Konisarova LA and Koval O.V. held a meeting of the "Dialogue of Cultures" circle for serpin students. The purpose of holding this circle is the formation of a multicultural personality, who knows spoken and written language, knows the traditions, culture of Kazakh and Russian peoples, education of careful attitude to the word, the expansion of communicational opportunities.

07 February 2018 1st year students of the specialty "Preschool training and education", "Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education" in the framework of the project "School of leaders", "My profession is the teacher" held a thematic and informative watch: "Vitamins and healthy food", "welcome To the Doctor Dolittle", the main purpose of which was to promote among children mini-center, class of preschool training and primary classes for a healthy lifestyle, development of interest to physical culture and sports.

On 7st February a presentation of a collection of fairy tales "Dostyқ turaly ertegiler" by Kostanay authors was held in the regional House of Friendship. Alexander Suslova is the author of popular books for children, an excellent student of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She took part in the contest of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region, which had announced in September of last year. The writer (she is also the chairman of the Public Consent Council of the Regional Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan) wrote two tales - about the saiga and foals. The main ideas of the collection's tales were eternal values ​​- friendship, respect, mutual assistance, hospitality and unity of people.

On 6st February a philosophical talk "Yu. Bondarenko - Professor. Writer. Reader" was held in the regional library named after L.N. Tolstoy. The event was attended by 1st year students of specialty 5B0011800 "Russian language and literature". Bondarenko Yuri Yakovlevich is a professor of KSU. His scientific interests include religious studies, philosophy of history, culturology. He is a author of 390 scientific, scientific-artistic, popular scientific and journalistic works, 400 newspaper articles.

On 5 February 2018 Balzhanova Aigul Magzhanovna, senior teacher of the foreign languages department of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, conducted the workshop «Teaching foreign language at primary school in the context of education modernization» for the second- and third- year students of Kostanay college "Zerek". The goal of the workshop is to discuss the methodical maintenance of pedagogical practice at school, usage of modern technologies for teaching English at primary school in the context of realization of the education modernization program.

Students of a final year of specialty "5B010500 Defectology" of psychology and pedagogical faculty have undergone student teaching in KSU "The Kostanay Special Boarding School No. 2 for Children of Orphans and Children without Parental Support, with Special Educational Needs" of Department of education of akimat of the Kostanay region. On February 5, 2018, within the program, under the leadership of elementary school teachers of Tulebayeva A.F., Alekeshova U.I. and Kasayeva M.D. students are Kuzmina Maria, Baybulova Gulmira, Kachko Irina, Zhantenova Zhaynar have held an event "my Homeland - Kazakhstan".

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