For fostering patriotism, love for the country, recognition and the respect for the famous people which has glorified the edge by talent and work on January 30 in Bilim-Innovation lyceum boarding school for gifted days there has taken place the meeting with the famous Kazakhstan scientist, the poet, the researcher of heritage Ybraya Altynsarina Serikbayem Ospanov. This action has been organized by the Center of Altynsarina at department of pedagogic. Pupils of 7-8 classes of lyceum and students of our higher education institution have taken active part in him.

On January 30, 2018, the participants of the local lore club Sayahat organized a photo exhibition on the theme «Beauty of the Native Land» in the «Students' House» of KSPI. Each region, each region of our republic is unique, differ not only in its unique historical past, architecture, but also in the beauty of natural objects. The purpose of the photo exhibition is to consider and expand the presentations of students of the KSPI on geological and geomorphological features of the Kostanay region. Kostanay region is a region of the richest natural diversity and contrasts. Participants of the exhibition were photos of natural objects of our region with their names.

In January, 2018 through Republican Scientific and pedagogical Center "Bilim Education" International contest "Pedagogical innovations" was announced. A competition was held on the nominations "The Best Development of a Lesson", "The Best Methodical Work", "The Best Development of Out-of-class Actions", "The Best Electronic Benefit" "Best media lesson". Following the results of tender in the best Development of Out-of-class Actions there was nomination among representatives of higher educational institutions.

A regional tour of the spelling competition of English words called“Kazakhstan Spelling Bee 2018”, organized by the US Embassy in Kazakhstan was held on the January 28th, 2018 on the basis of the American Corner of the Regional Library named after L.N. Tolstoy. The main goal of the competition is motivation to learn English and develop intercultural cooperation. More than 40 students of universities and colleges of the city took part in the competition. The main rule of the competition included the pronunciation of the word pronounced by the jury, spelling by letters without errors and pauses. With each round of words spelling, the participants who made mistakes were eliminated.

Students of the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism, specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" Shamukhanov Yerkebulan 2 year and Zhaksybaev Mersait 3 course joined the Kazakhstan short track team and were licensed to participate in the 23 Winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang (South Korea) , which will be held from 9 to 25 February 2018. This is the third license that students of the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" won. Recall that the first license for the Olympics was won by Anastasia Krestova, 2nd year student also on the short track, taking 3rd place at the World Championships in the distance of 1000 meters.

On 26st January a lecture on the current topic: "We are learning to live in a multi-faceted world (on extremism and terrorism)" was spent in the Ostrovsky town library. The lecturer was Disekov Diaz Armanovich. He is a head of the information-explanatory and organizational work of the KSU "Center for the research of religious problems of the Kostanay Region". The lecture was attended by 1st year students of the specialty 5B011800 "Russian language and literature". The lecturer explained the terms terrorism and extremism, revealed their peculiarities, determined the differences.

On 26st January, 1st year students of specialty 5B011800 «Russian Language and Literature» held a charity event in «Kostanay Zoo Pulse». Curator Matershova A.I. was set a goal to carry out charity events in «Kostanay Zoo Pulse» in the framework of the social project "Heart to heart" for the study year. The students bought food and took it for homeless animals. The volunteers of Kostanay Zoo Pulse thank the participants for helping of the social project «Heart to Heart». Students and curator were prepared booklets in three languages about the activities of the shelter. On 26st January the participants of the social project «Heart to Heart» distributed booklets to students for popularizing information of activities of the shelter for homeless animals.

On January 26, 2018 at psychology and pedagogical faculty there has passed expanded council of faculty. One of the main questions of council has been devoted to discussion of the message of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan "New opportunities of development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution". Before staff of faculty, for explanation of the main ten objectives set by the Head of state in the annual Message which we should realize have acted the dean Aydnaliyeva N.A. and senior teacher of department of Preschool and primary education Salamatova A.B.

On 25st January students of the 1st and 3rd year of the specialty "Russian language and literature" visited a school of speed-reading and development of intelligence "Unicum" together with the curators Matershova A.I. and Koval O.V. Teachers of the school acquainted students with the specifics of studies on the development of intelligence, told about courses – speed-reading, mental arithmetic, robotics, English. Particular attention was paid to mental arithmetic. This is unique system of development of mental abilities. Mental arithmetic is based on the verbal account system. A child learns to solve complex arithmetic problems in a few seconds, it was shown to students by the pupil of the school "Unicum".

Within the Cooperation agreement Yelena Viktorovna continuous in KSPI of a meeting with teachers and students, participates in scientific conferences, seminars, and gives lectures. On January 23, 2018 for teachers of higher education institution the department of pedagogic organized a lecture on the subject "Problems of Modern Content of Education". At a lecture questions of humanistic orientation of education and determination of his content and also levels and the principles of forming of content of education were opened, the scientific research devoted to this problem was provided.

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