Within the framework of the work plan of the educational and upbringing center of physical culture and sports, it is planned to hold sports competitions in various sports among the students of the institute. We have opened this direction of the Sambo competition. So, in the period from 02 February to 03 February 2018 in the sports hall No. 1 of the KSPI there were competitions in the Sambo open championship of the KSPI, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Astana. 25 students from three faculties took part in the competition: the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism, the natural-mathematical faculty and the social-humanitarian faculty.

On February 3, 2018, the Day of Science was held in the School-Lyceum # 2 of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay. For the first time in many years, the conference announced the "Healthy Lifestyle" section. and the students showed interest in writing reports on this area. This section was headed by the senior lecturer of the Department of Theory and Practice of the FSSiT, Volkov S.V., as the chairman of the jury. 8 lecturers - senior students, teachers of physical culture, director and head teacher of "School-Lyceum № 2" took part in the work of the section.

On February 2, 2018 in the Kostanay regional House of friendship there has taken place the meeting of scientific and expert group of APK of the Kostanay region. We will remind that the scientific and expert group of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region is permanent it is advisory - analytical body at Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region. In its structure KSPI represent Abil E.A. (rector of KSPI), Musabekova G.A. (vice rector for the academic and social problems of KSPI) and Evdokimova O.N. (manager APK of KSPI, vice-chairman of NEG).

February 02, 2018 in order to get acquainted with the future profession, 1st year students of the specialty "Preschool education", "Pedagogics and methods of primary education" of the faculty of psychology and education within the framework of social projects "school counselors", "my profession-educator" held in schools of Kostanay among the children of mini – center, pre-school preparation and primary school educational hour on "Winter patterns". The school administration and primary school teachers assisted in the organization of the event.

During the period from January 26 to February 2, 2018 the polylingual center of the Philological faculty of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute has held an Internet competition of the compositions "My native country" within the national program "Ruhani Zhangyru" for the purpose of patriotic education of students and involvement in process of studying of three languages. The competitive works were accepted in three languages. Students of KSPI participated in the competition. In total have been sent more than 20 competitive works. On the end of a competition, on February 2, 2018, the results were summed up: the first place - Temirkhanova Diana, Zharaspayeva Aygerim, the second place - Ismagulova Aygerim, Kenzhebekova Tansholpan the third place- Tumanova Zarina.

On February 1, 2018 under the leadership of the deputy dean of psychology and pedagogical faculty Alipbayeva G.A. volunteers of psychology and pedagogical faculty "Kind heart" together with representatives of the regional center of problems of formation within a ten-day campaign on prevention and early detection of ontological diseases, dated for the World day of campaign against cancer, in Mart shopping Center have carried out an action: "To be healthy is cool!". Also employees of DOOZ, the Kostanay ontological clinic, students of the Kostanay medical college participated in this action.

On 31st January the 1st year students of the specialty 5B011800 "Russian Language and Literature" met with a journalist of the regional newspaper "Our Newspaper". Her name is Tatyana Nazaruk. The journalist told the students about the characteristics of the work, about the professional and personal qualities of good journalist, special education. She noted that philological education was a priority thing for a journalist, because a philologist has knowledge of the language system, literary norms, stylistic features, culture of speech. Tatiana told the history of the formation of "Our Newspaper", the editorial staff, the headings, the site.

January 31, 2018 at the Faculty of Philology, the Chair of Kazakh Language and Literature, the head of the literary and creative circle "Balaus" Aliya Қажымұқанқызы Абдрашева and active participants of the circle students of the second year Kyzyrinov Aidos, Ihsan Daniyar, Eshmamet Kalpan, Sagieva Symbat organized a literary and creative evening, dedicated to the young poets "Syrly zherek pernesi". The purpose of the event is to present the creative path of young poets such as Sayat Abenov, Abylai Maudanov, Erlan Zhunus, Bakdaullet Arystan, who are a good personality in Kazakh poetry and the propagation of cardiac works for young readers.

31.01.2018 The Kazakh language and literature department organized a meeting with schoolchildren of the 11th grade of secondary schools of Mendykarinsky, Uzunkulsky, Amangeldinsky, Altynsarinsky district of Kostanay region. During the meeting, the students were given information about the specialties of the philological faculty of KSPI. It was said about the advantages of pedagogical specialties, specialties "Kazakh language and literature", "Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction", the competence of these specialties and their professional activities. Questions of students were answered.

From January 22 to January 31, 2018, traditional sessions of the President's message to the people of Kazakhstan were held at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism. Teachers of the Department of Theory and Practice, the educational and training center for physical training and students of the 1-3 courses of specialties "Physical Culture and Sport" and "Tourism" took part in the discussion. The annual message of the President is 10 concrete steps that will lead to the implementation of the new policy course "Kazakhstan - 2050".

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