February 12 at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism held a seminar with teachers of the faculty on the topic: "The possibilities of using information technology in physical culture, sports and tourism", conducted by Ph.D. in Pedagogics, associate professor of the South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk) Fedorov Alexander Ivanovich. During the seminar, a survey of teachers was conducted to determine the level of initial knowledge on the problem of information technology. The seminar was built on the basis of the presentation and use of the Internet (demonstration of the possibilities of information resources).

On February 12, 2018, within the framework of the week of the department, Suyundikova Zhanar Tuleutaevna, Senior Teacher of Natural Sciences, conducted an open class on the subject human anatomy which called "As Korytu Zhuiesi" ("Digestion System") for 2nd year students of the specialty "Biology". The purpose of the lesson was to examine the structure, topography, functions and features of the digestive system. During the lesson, there were applied interactive teaching methods such as: associagram, cluster, brainstorming and level tasks.

In the period from January 15 to February 10, 2018, the 3rd year students of the specialty "Pedagogics and methods of primary education" passed pedagogical practice in primary classes at school №24 and secondary school №20 in Kostanay. The main goal of pedagogical practice was to master the basic functions of pedagogical activity of the teacher, the formation and development of pedagogical competence, the formation of professional qualities of the teacher's personality. In the process of practical training students improved skills of teaching, competent presentation of material, finding contact with students, there were ideas about how to organize the team, keeping the attention of the class, the formation of interest in the teaching material, the creation of positive educational motivation.

On 12st February was an essay competition «My Attitude to the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan: «New Opportunities for development under the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution» between the 1st year students of the specialty 5B011800 «Russian Language and Literature». 13 people took part in the competition. The goals of the competition are improvement knowledge of the President's Address, the development of patriotic feelings and the formation of a competitive personality. The students analyzed the text of the Message, noted the main achievements of the country. The students analyzed the text of the Message, noted the main achievements of the country.

On February 12, Fedorov Alexander Ivanovich, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, works as an assistant professor at the South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk) at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. From 12 to 16 February, students and teachers of FFKSaT will take a training course "Modern, information and communication technologies in physical culture, sports and tourism". The course is designed for 2 credits, it provides both lecture and practical classes for students.

The student's research project "Қарлығаш – school of adaptation and socialization of children" as the dialogue platform on assistance acts on department of pedagogics from students for orphan children, children without parental support, and children from needy families. Project manager teacher of department of pedagogics, master of the humanities is Bekenova Asiya Kykpayevna. The project is focused on rendering targeted psychology and pedagogical support to children.

Within the social project "Digital Kazakhstan" students of specialty "Informatics" 1 of a course (the Kazakh, Russian, polylingual offices) of natural and mathematical faculty since January 5, 2018 conduct courses for pensioners. Project managers: Aytbenova A.A., Dauletbayeva G.B., Tsyganova A.D. Purpose of this project: training of senior citizens of computer literacy for overcoming a problem of their inclusion on information Wednesday; formation of practical skills of work on the modern personal computer.

On February 9, 2018 based on the Kostanay state teacher training college of the city of Kostanay the annual International academic and research conference Altynsarinsky readings "Modern education - a key factor of success of spiritual modernization of society" took place. The department of pedagogics and the Center Y became the initiator and the organizer of the event. Altynsarina. Despite traditional character of this scientific forum, every time experts teachers and scientists-researchers offer the most topical issues and problems for general discussion, show rich research practice, propose alternative solutions of new educational tasks.

On February 9, 2018 curator hour on the subject "Terrorism and Terrorism" for students of the 2nd course of specialty "Preschool Training and Education", "Pedagogic and Methodology of Primary Education" has been spent (the curator Sultanbekova Zh.H.). Purpose of curator hour: to give to students deep understanding of terrorism, to explain the reasons, types and consequences. Terrorism is a global threat. Terrorism is the criminal offense first of all intended for intimidation of individuals, the public or the state, being afraid of the political or social reasons.

On February 9, 2018, the Department of Physical, Mathematical and General Technical Disciplines of the Natural and Mathematical Faculty of KSPI held a grand opening of a laboratory of robotics, electronics and automation. The vice-rector for academic work and social issues, the candidate of pedagogical sciences Musabekova Gulvira Aidarkhanovna, the head of the apparatus Bekmagambetov Ruslan Kabdugalievich, the dean of the faculty Sukhov Mikhail Vasilievich, the deputy dean for educational work Akhmetchina Tolkynay Akangalievna, the heads of the departments, teachers and students, as well as invited guests, our former graduates: Komarov Denis Nikolaevich, Serik Manasbayev.

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