October 12, 2018 for students of the faculty of additional and distance education head of the Project office of the University Balgabaeva G. Z. was a lecture on the implementation of the state program «Modernization of Kazakhstan's identity». The lecture discussed the transition of the state language to the Latin alphabet, as well as the features of the projects "Spiritual shrines of Kazakhstan", "100 new faces of Kazakhstan", "Modern Kazakh culture in the global world". The lecturer presented the main content of the Project office.

October 8-11, 2018 in the Assembly hall were held installation meetings with students of the faculty of additional and distance education, students of distance education technology. More than five hundred students received information about the features of the credit technology of education in our University, which was presented by the Dean of the faculty of additional and distance education S. V. Samarkin. A training seminar on work in distance learning programs Moodle, Platonus was held by The head of the distance learning Center P. N. Radchenko

Students’ years - it is time when many want to travel and discover something new, distant, unknown. Academic mobility is a new kind of "tourism" in which students choose not only the direction, but also the country and the city. Participation in the academic mobility program in Kazakhstan and abroad is one of the favourite opportunities for our students! Each student of our University was able to test his or her knowledge for a grant to participate in the programme. Each student of our University was able to test his or her knowledge for a grant to participate in the programme. In the new academic year of 2018-2019, five participants from the Department of Biology, Physics, Foreign Languages have gone to Slovakia and France to study: Baimuhanbetova Inzhu, Murat Aidar, Urmanova Rysaldy, Korganbek Khaknazar, Abdigapparova Aysara.

In the period from September 17 to September 28, 2018 in Astana were held training courses for trainers on educational programs for raising the qualifications for teaching staff in the subjects of social and humanitarian and natural-mathematical cycles as part of updating the content of secondary education. Among the course participants are our teachers - Arsaeva, S. B., Baubekova, G. K., Koszhanova, G. K., Kozhanova A.G., Suyundikova, Z. T.

Within five months, seven students of the third year of the Xinjiang Agrarian Vocational and Technical Institute passed the language courses of the spoken Russian language on the basis of our university. Chinese students came to our city for academic mobility program. The course of teaching Russian as a foreign language was taught by RaisaIshchanova and Sara BoltaevnaArsaeva, who used effective, non-standard methods of teaching Russian language in class, selected interesting handouts, and tried to make the classes interesting and informative.

О мерах по многоаспектной модернизации учебного процесса в вузе выступила Председатель Научно-методического совета Г.Мусабекова. Проект «Новое гуманитарное знание» укладывается в рамки программы «Рухани жаңғыру». Отметила, что выход в свет 18 новых учебников – важное событие в жизни казахстанского образовательного сообщества. Получена возможность обогатить учебный процесс новыми учебниками, переведенными на казахский язык, которыми пользуются в лучших университетах мира.

On April 26, 2018 the staff of office of career guidance and public services of the university together with the regional center of testing "UStudy" on Kostanay have organized an excursion in the Kostanay pedagogical university for pupils of 11 classes of high schools with a state language of training of Altynsarinskiy (4 persons), Auliyekolskiy (6), Zhangeldinskiy (1), Kamystinskiy (1), Kostanay (2), Mendykarinskiy (1) and Naurzumsky (2) areas. Further receipt of children in the university on specialty of natural and mathematical faculty became a main objective of holding a fact-finding excursion of school students. In total have visited the University of 17 School Students.

On April 23 in the Polylingual center has been held the entertaining game – quiz devoted to the Day of English. The purpose of this event – to acquaint students with culture, traditions of the English-speaking countries, namely Great Britain, the USA, Australia and New Zealand. Participants were divided into two teams. Five subjects were offered to students at choice: history, literature, traditions, sights, language. Each subject included the questions concerning Great Britain, the USA, Australia and New Zealand.

On April 20, 2018 at the Kostanay state pedagogical university the annual fair of vacancies for the purpose of employment of graduates of the current year has taken place. 167 employers have participated in a job fair. From them representatives of 4 city and 16 regional departments of education, directors of schools, representatives of colleges of the city of Kostanay, directors and methodologists of preschool institutions of the Kostanay region. Besides, both directors of schools lyceums and the head of HR department of management of department of formation of Astana Kolushpayeva Zhanna Ashmukhanovna have participated in a fair.

On April 13, 2018 at the Kostanay state teacher training college the meeting of students has completed 4 courses – graduates of 2018, students according to the social program with the vice rector for the academic work and social problems, the candidate of pedagogical sciences Musabekova Gulvira Aydarkhanovna. Also representatives from department of education of the Kostanay region, management concerning youth policy of akimat of the Kostanay region, department of formation of akimat of Auliyekolskiy district, management of coordination of employment and social programs of the Kostanay region have participated in this meeting.

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