Today, on November 18, within the walls of KSPI there was held 1st stage of the Republican competition of compositions in the Kazakh language, "Қазақстан Республикасының Тәуелсіздігіне 25 жыл", the order of the head of Administration of the President A. R. Dzhaksybekov which is carried out within realization. "About the actions for the celebration of the 25 anniversary of Independence of the RK". Everyone could participate in the competition. For this purpose 4 age groups were specially organized: 1st group – 7-9 classes; the 2nd group – 10-11 classes; the 3rd group – pupils of vocational schools and colleges. In each group carriers of Kazakh and learning a state language were presented. And there were many persons interested to write the composition: nearly 60 people! Among participants, there were students of KSPI, pupils of the Kazakh-Turkish lyceum, students of the center of studying languages, employees of the regional library of L.N. Tolstoy, employees of Kazakh telecom.

On November 13, 2016, the students and the teachers of KSPI presented at the lecture presentation "Тәуелсіздік тарихы – ұлт рухының өлшемі". The history of the independence reflection of spirit of the Nation" and «Мәңгілік Ел - Болашағы Біртұтас ұлттың рухани негізі» - Мәңгілік Ел –is a spiritual basis of the Nation of the Uniform Future", carried out in the House of friendship within the republican stock "Train Тәуелсіздік Kazakhstan" devoted to the 25th anniversary of independence of the RK. The academician, professor, the doctor of philosophy, the director of the Center for the analysis, forecast, social initiatives of Nur Otan, the President of the International Civic Peace coalition "Civil World" Kazkenov Kazbek Maylybayevich said in: "All of us conducted by one purpose – is to build the strong state – the Мәңгілік Ел.

At faculty of the additional education at KSPI from October 31 to November 12, 2016 for teachers of higher education institutions, colleges and schools 2 weeks advanced training courses on a subject were conducted: "Active methods and interactive technologies of training in teaching the course "Secular country and fundamentals of religious studies". This course acquainted teachers with innovative educational technologies of training, ways of their realization in the educational process. The gained knowledge is necessary for teachers for implementation of active and interactive training according to requirements of modern education.

The presidential adviser of JSC "Center for International Programs" Talgat Askarov and the head of the national social project "Serpіn-2050" Kulziya Tobataeva had come with working visit on 10-14 November, 2016 in Kostanay region. On 11, November, curators of the project, together with a representative of the youth policy field, met with students of KSPI studying in the framework of the social project "Serpіn-2050", had got acquainted with the conditions and the training program, as well as the living conditions and the organization of leisure of students in a student's house.

On December, 6, 2016 the meeting between the students of the 4th year and representatives of the agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan by affairs in the sphere of state service work and the counteraction to corruption in Kostanay region was taken place. The meeting was started by the head of the department of practice, employment and state services Nurusheva Aliya Balgabaevna. The students were given the information about the plan of the institute in the sphere of employment.

The faculty of additional education of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute has organized two-week training course on the theme: "Innovative educational technology of professional work of the teacher" from 17 to 29 October 2016 for teachers of universities, colleges and schools.

From September 15 to October 13, 2016, the Museum of History of Kostanay state pedagogical institute conducted excursions by the head of the museum Karina G.A. for first-year students. The theme of the excursion was to familiarize with the history of Kostanay state pedagogical institute, presenting the university's rich history from the day of its foundation. Karina G.A. paid the students' attention to the stands and showcases of the museum, which contain materials about professors, veterans of labor, the achievements of students and teachers, the stands that reflect the individual stages of the institute's development dedicated to its history. Also, students viewed museum albums: "The Book of Honored Guests", "Guest Book", "The Book of Honor of the Institute". The students left their impressions and wishes in the album for the guests.

On May 18 at KSPI the meeting of the commission on distribution of graduates on full-time and part-time forms of studying of 2016, on the basis of the order No. 16-T of 22.04.2016 "Creation of the commission on distribution of young specialists" had taken place. The chairman of the commission, acting rector of institute Abil E.A., the methodologist of department of development of preschool and general secondary education of department of education of akimat of Kostanay region Myrzakhmetova S. U., the chief of educational-methodical department Kifik N. Y., the head of department of personnel work of department of education of akimat of the city of Kostanay Doshchanova A. D., deans of faculties, head of department of practice, employment and state services Nurusheva A.B. had taken part in work of the commission.

On May 12, 2016 at 12.00 the meeting between graduates and lecturers of Kostanay state pedagogical institute with the deputy head of Department of the Ministry for public service of Republic of Kazakhstan in Kostanay region Dossekenov A.M. has been held. During a meeting Dossekenov A.M. had told about the main questions on participation in procedure of applying on public service, the presentation on the theme is also presented: "How to apply on public service?".

On April 29, 2016 there was the welcome open day at Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. This event is held at our institute every year, and became a good tradition. This yearthe welcome open day at Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was attended by over 300 pupils of schools Kostanay and Kostanay region. Collegegraduates showed their interest tothe welcome open day – there were representatives of three colleges of Kostanay and its region.

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