On April 21, 2016 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute hosted the round table on the theme "Polylingual education as a factor in the effective socialization of future specialists in modern society." The event was held under the auspices of the regional assembly of people of Kazakhstan and educational-methodical department of KSPI. Roundtable participants were: employees of the Secretariat of the regional assembly of people of Kazakhstan, SI "Department of the development of languages" of Kostanay region, members of the regional scientific-expert group of the assembly of people of Kazakhstan, representatives of ethno-cultural associations, teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of physics - mathematical direction, deans, heads of departments and students.

On April 15, 2016 Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute had made the event "Job Fair - 2016" for the purpose of employment of graduates of the current year. The event was attended by representatives of the three urban and 12 district education departments, school principals, representatives of Kostanay colleges, directors and methodologists of preschool institutions, representatives of the center of employment of the population of Kostanay.

On 4 April 2016. the exhibition of scientific works of lecturers of the department of pedagogy was taken place in computer-methodical office №211,. The purpose of the exhibition was to help students in the process of self-education, the formation of interest in the study of pedagogical science. The exhibition included publications which were produced in recent years.

The first half of 2015-2016 academic year was full of the methodical weeks of the departments of theory and practice of physical education, sport and tourism, teaching and educational center of physical training and Russian language and literature. During the methodical week of the department of theory and practice of physical education, sport and tourism 5 open lessons were held and doctor – valeologist of Kostanay region hospital, PhD (doctorate) in medicine Zharkova N.V. gave a lecture – conversation to students of 1-4 courses of specialty "Physical education and sport" and "Tourism". The theme of that lecture was "Proper nutrition as prevention of alimentary - dependent diseases" and this lection had shown information about healthy and good nutrition.

On May 22, 2015 lecturers of the department of foreign languages made the contest on English and French for going to foreign universities for academic mobility in the United States and France Universities. Students of different specialties took part in it. Before testing, the vice rector on educational and methodical work, doctor of philosophy PhD, PhD (doctorate) in economy Tolegen M.A. gave his speech to students. Professor Osspanova A.S. wished a successful test passing. Students, who received the highest scores on the language, are able to study in US and France universities.

On May 22nd, in the Center for Civic Initiatives was held a workshop-training for volunteers of the NGO "Association of Practicing Psychologists of Kazakhstan", in which actively participated students of psychological and pedagogical faculty of KSPI Sagimbayeva Z. and Perzentbaeva S

April 17, 2015 together with the Centre of polylinguism together with teaching and educational center of language training held the Olympiad on knowledge of three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. The competition was attended by students of all faculties. The participants of the Olympiad were offered 4 types of tasks: grammar test, proverbs and sayings, short texts translated into 3 languages (advertising texts, recipes, rules of some products), presented in three languages (the theme of the presentation was determined by the participant and the theme of scientific research).

From March 11 to 27, 2015 teaching and educational center for language training invited as part of academic mobility doctor, professor of University named after Humboldt, Germany, Volker Raddatts for practical training in the disciplines "Foreign Language", "Professional-oriented foreign language" for students of 1, 2, 3 years of study of multilingual groups "Biology", "Geography", "Chemistry". Volker Raddatts held a seminar on "Modern didactics and methods of teaching foreign languages" for teachers of KSPI.

For the purpose of information campaign "Kazakhstani model of interethnic relations", on March, 2, 2015, psycho-pedagogical, natural and mathematical faculties and faculty of the Kazakh and Russian philology held the event "One country, one destiny". The moderator was a senior lecturer of department of World History and Social Sciences, PhD (doctorate) in philosophy, Amantaeva Aigul Bagitzhanovna.

The chair of the world history and the social sciences signed an agreement on cooperation with the teachers of the Alexandrovka ungraded schools on the basis of which was held a seminar “Problems of teaching local history in ungraded schools”, round table “Ways of interaction of ungraded schools with the university”.

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