4 October 2018 guests live «Tobyl tany» «Kazakhstan» RTRC» AK «Qostanai'» became acting head of the Department of physics and mathematical disciplines senior lecturer Telegina O. S. and senior lecturer Koszhanova A.G. The conversation was devoted to the anniversary of the launch of the first artificial earth satellite – «ПС-1». This event, which took place on October 4, 1957, changed the life, including the inhabitants of our region. The conversation concerned the history of the launch of «ПС-1» from the Baikonur cosmodrome, the impact of this event on life, the experiments carried out by astronauts on Board the ISS (International Space Station).
Department of physical and mathematical disciplines congratulates associate professors of the Department c.p.s. Demina Nadezhda Fedorovna and c.f-m.s. Demisenov Berik Nurtazinovich with the presentation of Honorary diplomas of the Minister of MES RK E. Sagadiyev's meeting for the progress made on the path of spiritual and social development of Independent Kazakhstan and contribution to the development of education. The staff of the Department wishes their colleagues success in scientific, creative and pedagogical activities.
On October 1, 2018 the Birdwatcher Club "Fifi" of KSPU helds traditional celebration “Crane Day” with the support of the SRC PEB/Naurzum. Students of 1 and 2 years of specialties "Biology", "Geography" of natural sciences chair of natural and mathematical faculty, as well as members of the club actively participated in the event. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical, Taukelov Ch.A., acting manager of the chair Baubekova G.K., Master of Biology, Senior Lecturer Bobrenko M.A. became guests of the event.
21 September 2018, the department of natural Sciences, in the face of Tanat Danagul student 3 courses of the specialty "Geography" participated in the international Symposium of young scientists "Kyzylzhar-2018" in the framework of the upcoming forum with the participation of Heads of two States, which will take place on 9 November. The theme – tourism development in the border territories of Kazakhstan and Russia. The Symposium was attended by representatives universities of the Russian Federation - Ishim State Pedagogical Institute named after P.P. Yershov (branch)of Tyumen State University (Ishim), South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk), Institute of water and ecological problems(Barnaul).
Telegina O.S. senior lecturer of the department of physical and mathematical and general technical disciplines Together with Solopov S.V. Kostanay astronomer-amateur organized evening observations of the star sky outside the city were for students of the third year of specialty 5B011000-"Physics". The purpose of the event: consolidation of knowledge gained in lecture and practical classes in astronomy. Before the trip the students got acquainted with the peculiarities of organizing and conducting observations in the daytime and in the evening in different seasons.
On April 27, 2018 at department there has taken place the action devoted to a public holiday of Kazakhstan noted annually: curator hour with students 3 courses of specialty "Vocational education" "on May 1 – Day of unity of the people of Kazakhstan" (the responsible senior lecturer Abdimominova D. J). On curator hour there were deputies the manager FMIOTD Telegina O.S., teachers of department Shagiakhmetova L.M., Zhigitova A.B., Dyomina N.F. and first-year students of specialties "Physicist" and "Vocational education".
April 26, 2018 at the Department of Natural Sciences was the celebration of the anniversary associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences Natalia Veniaminovna Vazheva. Natalia Veniaminovna began to work as a senior laboratory assistant at the Kostanay State Pedagogical University since September 1972, she worked as a teacher, senior lecturer, dean of the Faculty of Biology and Chemistry, dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, head of the department, currently she is an assistant professor of the department.
The program of the department week was as always rich and interesting. Many activities of the department are already traditional, but new formats were used. Information sheets on modern achievements in physics, astronomy, technology, mathematics (new concepts, their meanings, applications, discoveries, hypotheses, problems-difficult situations) were hung on the doors of the auditoriums. In the hall of the timetable, the poster "The Party" was posted - a fictional story in which "famous scientists" took part, the discoveries of which were listed in comic form.
According to the work plan of the Department of Physics and Mathematics and General Technical Disciplines April 12, 2018 at 16.30-17.20 in the lecture hall A-203 was held a Meeting with graduates of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and specialists of the education Department of akimat of Kostanay city (responsible for the event Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, associate Professor Kalzhanov M. U.). The meeting was held in Roundtable format, to which were invited: Zhakibaeva Saule Kuanyshbaevna – head of sector of the Department of education of akimat of Kostanay city, Kiyakbaeva Aizhan Laikovna – head of sector of the Department of education of akimat of Kostanay.
April 12, from 09.30-15.00 on the natural-mathematical faculty student scientific-practical conference "Teaching natural-mathematical and technical subjects at school", devoted to Day of workers of science (Executive Kalzhanov M.U., associate Professor, Shevchenko I.M., senior lecturer). The main purpose of the conference was to attract students to research work, promoting the full disclosure of the abilities of students in the field of scientific activity. Conference participants: students of 2-4 courses of natural-mathematical faculty.